Cut off Analysis and Answer Keys are two of the most searched topics over internet once the UPSC CSE Prelims examination is over. While, we don’t aspire to become first when it comes to publishing the answer keys, we definitely want to be sure that we provide you with the most accurate answer keys. Last year also we provide you with 96 right answer keys, which is more than many unofficial answer keys provided by various coaching institutes and websites.
This year also we have kept faith on our machineries and process of deep research.
We are taking the SET B of UPSC Preliminary Question paper for 2020.
However, if you are not finding some answer keys matching with your answers, then please worry not, it is very natural that when UPSC's official answer keys are out, there may be some answer keys different to all other institution's answer keys. It is neither due to lack of research, not due to lack of quality. It happens mainly due to difference in interpretations. So if you are attempting around 55+ then do not worry.
In our next write up I am going to discuss thoroughly about the level of the questions asked and analyse the question paper.
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