5th March, 2025

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Prelims examination is one of most competitive exams in India and it requires an in depth understanding of various topics including environmental and ecological issues. One of essential areas that candidates must focus on is Species in News. This section covers species that have been in the news for conservation efforts, new discoveries, government policies, environmental issues and ecological significance. With UPSC Prelims 2025 approaching this blog provides a complete list of species in the news focusing on recent updates, environmental conservation efforts and their relevance for the examination. APTI PLUS IAS academy in Kolkata helps master species name that will help you tackle both prelims questions effectively.

Species In News

 From India:

  1. Chel Snakehead (Channa amphibia)
    Rediscovered after 80 years in the Chel River of Kalimpong, West Bengal. The species was once thought to be extinct. Scientists found three live specimens in early 2024 providing hope for the conservation of this critically endangered species.
  2. Indian Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
    India tiger population has continued to grow reaching over 3,600 individuals by 2024. This increase is attributed to sustained conservation efforts including strict anti poaching laws and habitat preservation highlighted during the 2024 International Tiger Day.
  3. African Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
    The cheetah reintroduction project in India initiated in 2022 gained international attention in 2024 with the birth of cubs in Kuno National Park. This is the first successful cheetah birth in India in over 70 years sparking debate and research on its ecological impact.
  4. Manipur Bush Quail (Perdicula manipurensis)
    This species previously thought to be extinct since 1932 was rediscovered in Assam. The finding was significant for Indian ornithology as it underscores the biodiversity of India's northeastern region.
  5. Xenophrys apatani
    A new species of horned frog was discovered in Arunachal Pradesh. It was identified in the humid, forested areas of the state contributing to India growing list of amphibian species.
  6. Ophiorrhiza gajureliana
    A new plant species was identified in the Mayodia Forest of Arunachal Pradesh in late 2024. This discovery highlights the botanical richness of region and adds another species to India ever growing list of unique flora.
  7. Tenkana Jayamangali
    A new species of jumping spider from the genus Tenkana was discovered in southern India contributing to the region arachnological diversity.
  8. Civet Cat (Viverra zibetha)
    The civet cat spotted in Assam and parts of Uttar Pradesh gained attention as a species under threat from habitat loss and poaching. Conservationists have called for stricter protections and habitat preservation.
  9. Gharial Crocodile (Gavialis gangeticus)
    Gharial conservation in the Chambal River saw new successes in 2024 with the population stabilizing. The species listed as critically endangered is seeing promising recovery thanks to government and NGO-backed conservation efforts.
  10. Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone elegans)
    Increased poaching of the Indian Star Tortoise prompted new conservation campaigns in Tamil Nadu. This species is highly trafficked in the illegal pet trade leading to greater protection initiatives.
  11. Jungle Cat (Felis chaus)
    The jungle cat found in various parts of Uttar Pradesh was featured in wildlife surveys showing that their numbers remain stable though they are threatened by habitat loss.
  12. Pygmy Hog (Porcula salvania)
    The Pygmy Hog Conservation Centre in Assam reported the successful breeding of this critically endangered species in 2024. This is achievement in the effort to preserve this small mammal which was once thought to be extinct in the wild.
  13. Nilgiri Tahr (Nilgiritragus hylocrius)
    Conservation efforts for the Nilgiri Tahr in Tamil Nadu bore fruit in 2024 as their population showed signs of recovery. The species is endemic to the Nilgiri hills and is classified as endangered.
  14. Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps)
    As part of ongoing conservation efforts Great Indian Bustard was in news in 2024. The species has been critically endangered due to habitat destruction and hunting but new initiatives in Rajasthan and Gujarat are helping stabilize their population.
  15. Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica)
    Sunda Pangolin a species found in parts of northeastern India was in the news following successful anti poaching operations. Conservationists have been focusing on protecting pangolins due to their endangered status.
  16. Indian Peacock (Pavo cristatus)
    Indian Peacock one of country most iconic birds continues to be celebrated in Maharashtra as part of the annual celebrations. They were also highlighted in biodiversity surveys in 2024.
  17. Kalbans Tortoise
    Kalbans Tortoise recently identified during a wildlife survey in Uttarakhand was hailed as a major discovery for the region reptilian diversity.
  18. Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis)
    Ongoing studies on the Assamese macaque in Assam gained attention in 2024 as scientists conducted detailed research into their behavior and habitat preferences.
  19. Vulnerable Dugong (Dugong dugon)
    Efforts to protect the dugong in the Gulf of Mannar particularly focused on reducing accidental fishing entanglements gained momentum in 2024.
  20. Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia)
    Leopards primarily found in the Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh regions were highlighted in conservation campaigns. Satellite collaring technology was used to track their movement and improve protection efforts.

From the World:

  1. Akarotaxis gouldae (Banded Dragonfish)
    This species of dragonfish was discovered in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica. It caught the world attention due to its unique banded pattern and bioluminescence which helps it survive in deep sea environments.
  2. Andrena androfovea (Mining Bee)
    This new mining bee species native to Texas and Oklahoma was formally described in 2024. It gained attention for its role in pollinating Solanaceae plants.
  3. Bothriechis khwargi (Eyelash Palm-Pitviper)
    Discovered in Central America this snake caught attention for its bright color patterns and distinctive "eyelash" scales above its eyes.
  4. Sueviota aethon (Grumpy Dwarf Goby)
    This tiny fish discovered in the Red Sea gained fame due to its distinctive "grumpy" expression which researchers believed evolved as a way to deter predators.
  5. Galápagos Tortoise (Chelonoidis donfaustoi)
    A new subspecies of Galápagos Tortoise was discovered believed to have evolved independently from other Galápagos species. This was a significant discovery in 2024.
  6. Ailuropoda microta (Small Panda)
    Researchers in China announced the discovery of a new smaller panda species in a remote area of Sichuan province. It was distinguished by its size and unique fur pattern.
  7. Tapanuli Orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis)
    Tapanuli orangutan discovered in 2017 but still facing habitat threats was in the news as conservationists called for stronger efforts to protect this critically endangered species.
  8. Trithemis palustres (Dragonfly)
    A previously unknown dragonfly species was rediscovered in the Philippines in late 2024. It is noteworthy for its unique coloration and habitat specificity.
  9. Eumeces strauchii (Striped Skink)
    This species of skink rediscovered in Iran is noteworthy for its striking striped appearance and its relatively unknown status in herpetology.
  10. Indri (Indri indri)
    The indri lemur known for its loud and haunting call was in the news for conservation efforts in Madagascar as populations have been declining due to habitat destruction.

What is the IUCN Red List?

IUCN Red List was created by  International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 1964 to assess the extinction risk of plant and animal species. The list provides scientifically backed evaluations of the conservation status of species based on their population trendsgeographic distribution and threats they face such as habitat losspollutionoverhunting and climate change.

It categorizes species into different risk categories ranging from Least Concern (LC) to Critically Endangered (CR). These categories help governments, organizations and other stakeholders prioritize conservation efforts based on the urgency of the species situation.

IUCN Red List Categories

IUCN Red List uses specific categories to assess the conservation status of species. Here are the key categories:

  1. Least Concern (LC):
      • Species that are widespread and abundant. They do not face significant risks of extinction.
      • ExampleIndian Peafowl (Peacock).
  2. Near Threatened (NT):
      • Species that could be at risk of extinction in the near future. They are not yet endangered but they face significant threats that could lead to a decline in their population.
      • ExampleIndian Wolf.
  3. Vulnerable (VU):
      • Species that are at risk of extinction due to a significant decline in their population. The decline could be caused by habitat loss, overhunting or other threats.
      • ExampleIndian Leopard.
  4. Endangered (EN):
      • Species that are at high risk of extinction in the near future. They typically have a small population or face severe threats.
      • ExampleIndian Tiger.
  5. Critically Endangered (CR):
      • Species that face an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. They are critically low in number and are in urgent need of conservation.
      • ExampleSunda Pangolin.
  6. Extinct in the Wild (EW):
      • Species that no longer exist in the wild but may still exist in captivity or as cultivated plants.
      • ExamplePink-headed Duck.
  7. Extinct (EX):
      • Species that have no known living individuals and have completely disappeared from the planet.
      • ExampleDodo.
  8. Data Deficient (DD):
      • Species for which there is insufficient information to make an assessment of their risk of extinction.
      • ExampleRed Panda (although it is generally known to be at risk the specific category may be DD due to limited research in some areas).

Why is the IUCN Red List Important for Conservation?

IUCN Red List is more than just a catalog of species it plays crucial role in global conservation efforts. Here are some of the key ways it contributes to species protection:

  1. Informing Conservation Priorities:
      • Red List helps identify species that need urgent conservation attention. The categorization of species into risk categories allows conservationists to focus resources on species that are most at risk of extinction.
  2. Policy Development:
      • Governments and policymakers use the Red List to develop and implement conservation laws, programs and strategies. In India for example Red List plays role in the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 which provides legal protection to species that are categorized as endangered or critically endangered.
  3. Raising Awareness:
      • Red List raises awareness about the challenges faced by species around the world. It helps the public understand which species are under threat and why conservation efforts are critical for their survival.
  4. Guiding Research:
      • The Red List highlights knowledge gaps and encourages further research into species populations, ecology and threats. This helps scientists design better conservation interventions and monitor species over time.
  5. Supporting Conservation Programs:
      • Species listed as endangered or critically endangered often benefit from focused conservation programs such as captive breeding, reintroduction efforts and habitat restoration.

Major Species with their IUCN Status by APTI PLUS best coaching for UPSC

Species Name

Common Name

Conservation Status


Key Threats

Panthera tigris tigris

Indian Tiger


All over India

Poachinghabitat losshuman-wildlife conflict

Panthera leo persica

Asiatic Lion


Gir National Park, Gujarat

Habitat fragmentationpoaching

Rhinoceros unicornis

Indian Rhinoceros


Kaziranga NP, Assam

Poachinghabitat loss

Manis javanica

Sunda Pangolin

Critically Endangered

North-East India

Illegal tradehabitat loss

Ardeotis nigriceps

Great Indian Bustard

Critically Endangered

Rajasthan, Gujarat

Habitat losshunting

Gavialis gangeticus

Gharial Crocodile

Critically Endangered

Chambal River, UP, MP

Overfishinghabitat loss

Ailuropoda melanoleuca

Giant Panda


Not in India but relevant to South Asia

Habitat lossclimate change

Elephas maximus

Asian Elephant


All over India

Poachinghabitat losshuman-wildlife conflict

Grus antigone

Sarus Crane


Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar

Wetland losshuman-wildlife conflict

Vulpes vulpes

Red Fox

Least Concern

Himalayas, Himalayan foothills

Urbanizationhabitat loss

Nycticebus bengalensis

Bengal Slow Loris


North-East India

Poachinghabitat destruction

Bubalus bubalis

Water Buffalo

Least Concern

All over India

Overgrazingdisease transmission

Tetracerus quadricornis

Four-horned Antelope


Rajasthan, Gujarat

Poachinghabitat degradation

Cervus elaphus

Red Deer

Least Concern

Himalayan foothills, North-East

Habitat destructionhunting

Vultures (Gyps species)

Vulture (various species)

Critically Endangered

All over India

Poisoninghabitat losshuman-wildlife conflict

Dendrocygna javanica

Lesser Whistling Duck


North-East India, Wetlands

Wetland degradationpollution

Naja naja

Indian Cobra

Least Concern

Throughout India

Habitat losshuman-wildlife conflict

Muntiacus muntjak

Barking Deer

Least Concern

North-East India, Himalayas



Wild Water Buffalo


Assam, West Bengal

Poachinghabitat loss

Pelecanus philippensis

Spot-billed Pelican


Wetlands of India

Wetland destructionfishing

Sphenodon punctatus



Not found in India, but relevant

Habitat destructioninvasive species

Peromyscus maniculatus

Deer Mouse

Least Concern


Climate changehabitat loss

Macaca mulatta

Rhesus Macaque

Least Concern

All over India

Habitat fragmentationhuman-wildlife conflict

Pangolin species

Indian Pangolin


North-East India, Karnataka

Illegal tradehabitat loss

Psittacula eupatria

Alexandrine Parakeet

Least Concern

All over India

Poachingpet trade

Varanus salvator

Water Monitor Lizard

Least Concern

India and South Asia

Habitat losshuman-wildlife conflict

Sarcophilus harrisii

Tasmanian Devil


India not native but related issues

Diseasehabitat fragmentation

Bubo bubo

Eurasian Eagle Owl

Least Concern

Himalayas, North India

Habitat destructionpoaching

Ailuropoda melanoleuca

Giant Panda


Not found in India but relevant to South Asia

Climate changehabitat loss

Hydrornis gularis

White-cheeked Bulbul


Assam, Meghalaya

Habitat losspet trade

Balaenoptera musculus

Blue Whale


Indian Ocean (off the coast of India)

Pollutionhuntingship collisions

Crocodylus palustris

Mugger Crocodile


Riverine regions of India

Overfishinghuman conflict

Indotestudo elongata

Indian Star Tortoise


Throughout India

Illegal tradehabitat loss

Hypsilurus sp.

Forest Dragon

Near Threatened

Western Ghats

Deforestationhuman encroachment

Lynx lynx

Eurasian Lynx

Least Concern

Eastern India

Poachinghabitat loss

Pteropus giganteus

Indian Flying Fox

Least Concern

Throughout India

Deforestationhuman-wildlife conflict

Megaptera novaeangliae

Humpback Whale


Arabian Sea (off the Indian coast)

Pollutionship collisions

Pelecanus onocrotalus

Great White Pelican


Rajasthan, Assam, Odisha

Wetland degradationoverfishing

Rhesus macaque

Rhesus Monkey

Least Concern

India, Nepal, Bangladesh

Habitat losshuman-wildlife conflict

Nandus nandus

Spiny Eel

Near Threatened

Eastern India


Ceratophrys ornata

Surinam Toad

Near Threatened

North-East India

Habitat losspollution

Tectona grandis

Teak Tree


Western Ghats, North-East


Cnemaspis kochi

Kochi Gecko


Western Ghats

Habitat lossovercollection

Canis lupus

Gray Wolf

Least Concern

Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir

Habitat losshuman conflict

Neolissochilus hexagonolepis

Mahseer Fish


North-East India, Himalayas

Overfishinghabitat loss

Rusa unicolor

Sambar Deer

Least Concern

All over India

Habitat losshunting

Gallus gallus

Red Junglefowl

Least Concern

All over India

Habitat destructiondomestication

Phoenicopterus roseus

Greater Flamingo

Least Concern

Gujarat, Rajasthan, Odisha

Habitat lossdisturbance

Ailuropoda melanoleuca

Giant Panda


Himalayas (relevant due to proximity to India)

Climate changehabitat loss

Sphenodon punctatus



Not found in India, relevant to Southern Asia

Climate changehabitat loss

Additional List of Major Species (With Conservation Areas and Efforts)

Students can master these topics through APTI PLUS online test series for UPSC that help aspirants improve their chances in UPSC examination & develop deeper understanding of India's ecological landscape. 

Species Name (Common Name)

Conservation Status

News Update

Protected Areas (Sanctuaries/National Parks)

Key Threats/Conservation Efforts

Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)


Increase in tiger sightings in Uttar Pradesh due to conservation efforts.

Jim Corbett National ParkSariska Tiger ReserveKaziranga NP

Poachinghabitat lossconservation efforts like Project Tiger and tiger corridors.

Gharial Crocodile (Gavialis gangeticus)

Critically Endangered

Successful breeding in Chambal River, efforts to revive population.

Chambal SanctuarySariska Tiger Reserve

Pollutionoverfishingconservation actionslike egg protection and river clean-ups.

Indian Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis)


Population surge in Kaziranga NP due to anti-poaching efforts.

Kaziranga National ParkManas National ParkOrang National Park

Poachinghabitat lossconservation via anti-poaching squads, habitat expansion.

Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps)

Critically Endangered

Ongoing breeding projects and sanctuary creation in Rajasthan.

Kutch Bustard SanctuaryDesert National ParkRajasthan Wildlife Sanctuary

Habitat losshuntingconservation projects in Rajasthan like habitat restoration and community efforts.

Asiatic Lion (Panthera leo persica)


Increased lion numbers in Gujarat's Gir Sanctuary due to conservation plans.

Gir National ParkGirnar Wildlife Sanctuary

Poachinghabitat fragmentationconservation like habitat expansion and veterinary care for lions.

Bengal Florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis)

Critically Endangered

Habitat destruction in Assam leads to heightened conservation efforts.

Kaziranga National ParkManas National Park

Habitat lossagriculture expansionconservation efforts to preserve grassland ecosystems.

Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia)


Growing awareness of habitat loss and poaching in Himalayan regions.

Hemis National ParkGreat Himalayan National Park

Poachinghabitat lossconservation through protected areas and habitat corridors.

Indian Wolf (Canis lupus pallipes)


Focus on the wolf population increase and habitat protection in Jammu & Kashmir.

Hemis National ParkKishtwar National Park

Habitat losshuman-wildlife conflictconservation through monitoring and protection.

Vulture (Gyps species)

Critically Endangered

Awareness of vulture decline due to diclofenac use in livestock.

Ranthambhore National ParkKeoladeo Ghana National ParkJorbeer Vulture Sanctuary

Poisoningdiclofenacconservation via banning harmful veterinary drugs and establishing breeding centers.

Sarus Crane (Grus antigone)


Increased conservation activity in wetlands of Uttar Pradesh.

Saraswati Wildlife SanctuaryKolleru Lake Sanctuary

Wetland losshuman-wildlife conflictwetland conservationthrough restoration and protection laws.

Indian Star Tortoise (Indotestudo elongata)


Highlighted concerns over the illegal wildlife trade.

Karakol National ParkIndira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary

Illegal tradehabitat lossconservation efforts through increasing awareness and stricter laws.

Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens)


Habitat fragmentation in Himalayas causes concerns.

Namdapha National ParkSingalila National Park

Habitat losspoachingconservation through habitat restoration and community-based programs.

Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus)


Conservation talks on reducing ship traffic in the Western Ghats.

Wester Ghats Marine National Park

Shipping trafficpollutionmarine conservation through shipping route management.

Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea)


Increased focus on conservation efforts to protect nesting sites in Odisha.

Gahirmatha Marine SanctuaryChilika Lake

Poachingnests disturbanceconservation effortsthrough strict nesting site protection.

Malayan Tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni)

Critically Endangered

Successful recovery programs lead to population growth in Southeast Asia.

Taman Negara National ParkPenang National Park

Poachingdeforestationconservation efforts in Southeast Asia and their lessons for India.

Asiatic Wild Ass (Equus hemionus)


Conservation efforts for the endangered wild ass population in Gujarat.

Rann of Kutch

Habitat losswater scarcityconservation efforts through habitat protection.

Dugong (Dugong dugon)


Focus on conserving dugong populations in coastal areas.

Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park

Coastal developmentmarine pollutionconservation effortsvia marine protected areas.

Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)


Increased sightings in forest corridors due to improved tiger management.

Sariska Tiger ReserveJim Corbett NP

Poachinghabitat lossconservation via expanding wildlife corridors.

Himalayan Monal (Lophophorus impejanus)

Near Threatened

Habitat destruction in the Himalayas sparks conservation action.

Great Himalayan National ParkNanda Devi National Park

Habitat losshuntingconservation effortsthrough habitat restoration and protection.

Dugong (Dugong dugon)


Conservation efforts in marine ecosystems across India's coasts.

Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park

Habitat losscoastal developmentconservation through marine protected areas.

Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus indicus)


Discussions about increased elephant corridors in Assam and Jharkhand.

Kaziranga National ParkHazaribagh Wildlife Sanctuary

Poachinghabitat fragmentationconservation efforts through establishing and monitoring corridors.

Nilgiri Tahr (Nilgiritragus hylocrius)


Efforts in Kerala and Tamil Nadu to increase the population.

Eravikulam National ParkSilent Valley National Park

Habitat lossovergrazingconservation efforts in habitat restoration.

Yellow-eyed Penguin (Megadyptes antipodes)


Rising awareness of penguin habitat conservation in New Zealand (relevant to similar species in India).

Otago Peninsula

Climate changehabitat lossconservation efforts to protect nesting sites.

Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea)


Odisha conservation programs focus on saving nesting sites.

Gahirmatha Marine SanctuaryChilika Lake

Poachingdisturbance to nestingconservation efforts for habitat protection and hatcheries.

Giant Sable Antelope (Hippotragus niger)

Critically Endangered

Global efforts to protect the last population of giant sable antelope.

Giant Sable Antelope Reserve

Poachinghabitat lossconservation through protected reserves.

Wild Bactrian Camel (Camelus ferus)

Critically Endangered

Efforts in Mongolia to preserve the last remaining population.

Great Gobi A and B Strictly Protected Areas

Habitat lossdomestic camel competitionconservation through protected areas and captive breeding.

Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus)

Critically Endangered

Conservationists in New Zealand celebrate the hatching of more kakapos.

Kakapo Recovery ProgramWhenua Hou (Codfish Island)

Predationhabitat destructionconservation efforts via controlled breeding programs.

Javan Rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus)

Critically Endangered

Focus on the lone population of Javan rhinos in Indonesia.

Ujung Kulon National Park

Poachinghabitat destructionconservation efforts in Ujung Kulon NP.

Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii)

Critically Endangered

Increased deforestation in Sumatra raises alarms for orangutan population.

Gunung Leuser National ParkTaman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan

Deforestationillegal pet tradeconservation through forest protection and rehabilitation.

Vaquita (Phocoena sinus)

Critically Endangered

Conservationists are working to protect the last remaining vaquitas in Mexico.

Vaquita Refuge

Bycatchillegal fishingconservation efforts via fishing bans and increased monitoring.

Black Rhino (Diceros bicornis)

Critically Endangered

African rhino conservation programs report success, especially in South Africa.

Kruger National ParkMasai Mara National Reserve

Poachinghabitat lossconservation efforts via dehorning, anti-poaching units.

Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle (Rafetus swinhoei)

Critically Endangered

Increased conservation efforts as only a few individuals remain in the wild.

Dong Mo LakeYangtze River Basin

Inbreedinghabitat lossconservation efforts like captive breeding programs.

Markhor (Capra falconeri)

Near Threatened

Reports of population recovery due to strict protection in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Himalayan National ParkKhunjerab National Park

Poachinghabitat lossconservation through community-based programs.

Indian Wild Ass (Equus hemionus khur)


Increased sightings of the species in Kutch.

Rann of Kutch

Habitat degradationwater scarcityconservation through strict monitoring.

Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas)


Conservation actions in Odisha help in the protection of nesting sites.

Gahirmatha Marine SanctuaryChilika Lake

Poachinghabitat lossmarine pollutionconservation effortsvia nesting site protection.

Dugong (Dugong dugon)


Conservation efforts to save dugongs from extinction in the Gulf of Mannar.

Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park

Coastal developmentmarine pollutionconservation effortsthrough marine protected areas.

Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)


Increase in population numbers reported due to focused conservation actions.

Wolong Nature ReserveSichuan Giant Panda Sanctuary

Habitat losslow reproductive rateconservation efforts like bamboo forest restoration.

Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)


Ongoing protection efforts in the Himalayas to safeguard habitat.

Namdapha National ParkKanha National Park

Habitat losspoachingconservation efforts like research and protection in wildlife corridors.

Himalayan Brown Bear (Ursus arctos isabellinus)


Increasing human-wildlife conflict in Uttarakhand leads to heightened focus.

Great Himalayan National ParkHemis National Park

Human-wildlife conflicthabitat lossconservation efforts like sanctuary establishment.

African Elephant (Loxodonta africana)


News about increased elephant poaching and conservation efforts in Africa.

Kruger National ParkMasai Mara National Reserve

Poachinghabitat lossconservation efforts like anti-poaching laws and elephant corridors.

Indian Peacock (Pavo cristatus)

Least Concern

National bird conservation status remains stable in India.

Kaziranga National ParkKeoladeo Ghana National Park

Habitat degradationhuman-wildlife conflictconservation through forest protection.

Emperor Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri)

Near Threatened

Rising concerns about climate change affecting penguin populations.

Ross IslandAntarctic Peninsula

Climate changehabitat destructionconservation efforts via research and marine protection zones.

Amur Leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis)

Critically Endangered

Ongoing efforts in Russia and China to boost Amur leopard population numbers.

Land of the Leopard National Park

Poachinghabitat fragmentationconservation through protected areas and strict monitoring.

South China Tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis)

Critically Endangered

Focus on breeding programs and habitat restoration in China.

South China Tiger Habitat Reserve

Habitat losspoachingconservation through breeding programs and ecological restoration.

Grevy's Zebra (Equus grevyi)


Reports of population decline due to human encroachment in Africa.

Samburu National ReserveLaikipia Wildlife Conservancy

Poachinghabitat lossconservation efforts like habitat restoration and community conservation.

Pygmy Hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis)


Ongoing habitat protection efforts in Liberia to preserve pygmy hippos.

Sapo National Park

Habitat losspoachingconservation efforts via monitoring and community-based protection.

Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)

Critically Endangered

Conservation talks to address habitat loss and palm oil farming.

Gunung Palung National ParkTaman Negara National Park

Habitat destructionillegal pet tradeconservation through restoration and law enforcement.

Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus)

Near Threatened

Conservation efforts to protect the Andean Condor’s flying range.

Cajas National ParkLos Glaciares National Park

Habitat losspoisoningconservation efforts through captive breeding and protected areas.

Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)


Ongoing efforts to boost population numbers in Rajasthan and Gujarat.

Desert National ParkRanthambhore National Park

Habitat losspoachingconservation through protected areas and monitoring.

Tibetan Antelope (Pantholops hodgsonii)


Concern over illegal poaching for wool leads to stricter conservation measures.

Hemis National Park

Poachingillegal tradeconservation efforts through anti-poaching laws and protected areas.

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This strategic approach bridges the gap between knowledge & application making it invaluable part of your preparation.


UPSC Prelims 2025 will likely cover range of ecological and environmental topics with an emphasis on species conservation. By preparing a comprehensive list of species in the news including both land and marine species candidates can ensure they are well prepared for questions related to India's biodiversity and global conservation efforts.

Regular updates on environmental policies, conservation programs and research initiatives will be key in mastering this section of the syllabus. The above lists of species provide detailed overview of the species making headlines due to conservation challenges, protection efforts and ecological importance.

Candidates are encouraged to not only memorize the names and status of these species but also understand the context of their conservation, policies surrounding them and ongoing efforts to preserve these important species for future generations.

At APTI PLUS best IAS Coaching in Kolkata provides a structured and strategic approach to mastering map based and location specific topics through expert curated material, daily updates & rigorous practice ensuring that you stay ahead in your UPSC 2025 preparation.

Best Wishes !