
UPSC Prelims Subject-Wise Weightage
UPSC Prelims Subject-Wise Weightage

Through this stage the following qualities are assessed.

  • CLARITY OF MIND: A civil servant entrusted with the responsibility of the society should have a mind which is very clear on its thoughts to take a just and lucid decision. Similarly mind should be strong and solid enough to be able to withstand stress and answer the questions in a balanced manner.
  • SPEED: An administrator has to take big decisions and that too immediately.
  • DECISION MAKING: An administrator’s success depends on how many correct decisions he could take in his life as they affect the country and its people.
  • MEMORY: should be able to sort out what it requires even in the foggiest situations.
  • FOCUS: Concentration is a forte of an administrator’s mind.
  • AWARENESS: civil servant should be aware of the times, its requirements and the technology and means available, to make a good decision. Civil servant is expected to observe things that happen around you and retain them. Undoubtedly, such a mind would have a store of information and knowledge that he could use as raw material while taking a decision. Such a mind would be rational, continuously working and progressive.


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Common mistakes done by UPSC aspirants
Common mistakes done by UPSC aspirants

Every year about one million aspirants enroll in the prestigious national examination that is CSE but only 1000 (0.001%) enter the final list. BUT there are up to 0.001% who do it not once but three times and more. Have you ever wondered why these aspirants pass the test so many times when so few struggle to clear the prelims after so many years ?

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