The IAS Gazette


12 Months

The IAS Gazette


Current Affairs is an integral part of any competitive examination. And when it comes to UPSC, it becomes indispensable to prepare the current events of the past year (at least) thoroughly. This examination tests alertness and awareness and not just knowledge. Students need to be updated on all current issues - regional, national or international.

But mastering Current Affairs is not a piece of cake given the sheer amount of events occurring every day that are relevant for the UPSC CSE examination. In the first place, the sources are not limited. Secondly, it is important to know “what to read” but even more important to know “what not to read” in this era of information glut and data smog. Aspirants often tend to get confused and end up following thousands of online sources which are mushrooming every other day.

In order to develop a command over current affairs, all an aspirant needs is a single consolidated source that covers all the relevant news articles filtering out from a plethora of resources.

Keeping this in view, APTI PLUS Academy brings to you “The IAS Gazette: A Journal that stands apart”.

The IAS Gazette-Journal is a Product of Years of Research that has been designed meticulously keeping in view the exact demand of UPSC examination. A core editorial team with extensive domain expertise is dedicated to this initiative - A team that analyzes topics comprehensively and holistically for you every single month. The IAS Gazette is indeed a critical asset for aspirants in their journey of UPSC CSE till the day they get a rank in the examination.


  • Duration: 1 Year
  • Number of copies: 12
  • Annual Subscription Fee: Rs 1800/- Rs 1500/- (Discounted) ** Limited offer price


  • Comprises of 150 pages on an average..
  • Topics categorized Paper-wise (GS-I, GS-II, GS-III, GS-IV) and further segregated subject-wise under each Paper.
  • A separate Section called “Short News Articles” is provided and that is segregated subject-wise as well.
  • Papers and Subjects GS-I: Culture and History; Geography (Covers Disaster Management of GS-III as well since overlapping) GS-II: Polity; Governance; Social Justice and Health (Covers Society of GS-I as well since overlapping); International Relations GS-III: Economy, Agriculture; Science and Technology; Security and Defence; Environment and Ecology GS-IV: Ethics
  • Maximum coverage of topics from both Prelims and Mains’ perspectives.
  • 60-100 Practice MCQs
  • Coverage of News (Dates): 1st of the previous month to the 1st of the Current Month.


  • In-depth analysis of topics with backward and forward linkages.
  • Illustrated with diagrams, maps, examples etc.
  • Replete with Case Studies, International Examples, Government Schemes, Constitutional Provisions, etc.
  • Original, crisp & well-substantiated content with sufficient statistics, Reports.
  • Maximum possible linkages. (Not just covering what is in News)
  • Well balanced content proportionate in terms of analysis and factual stuff. 360-degree analysis.
  • Coverage of adjoining grey areas in the topic.
  • Presented in such a manner that will help in developing Answer Writing Skills.
  • Maximum coverage of topics.
  • Simplified to the Core. To the point.


All the major Newspapers, Online and Government Portals along with Research Papers are referred to make sure that not a single topic is missed. Major sources:.

      • The Hindu
      • The Indian Express
      • The Business Standard
      • The Economics Times
      • Livemint
      • PIB
      • PRS
      • Rajya Sabha TV
      • NASA, ISRO
      • Standard Books, NCERTs
      • Yojana, Kurukshetra
      • Govt. Websites: (;;,;;;;;;;;;;; etc)

Final Thoughts

The Mantra to Master Current Affairs is to “Read, Revise, Test and Improve.” Candidates are recommended to read this Journal and revise it multiple times followed by appearing tests to get a grip over current affairs.

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