The Angami Naga tribe, a Scheduled Tribe in Nagaland, is known for its rich cultural identity, Christian majority, and unique traditions like terrace wet cultivation and basket-making. They celebrate the ten-day festival, Sekrenyi, and showcase their unity through events like pulling a massive 15-tonne stone during the Hornbill Festival. Their society is predominantly patriarchal, with a strong sense of community and cultural pride.

Last Updated on 9th December, 2024
4 minutes, 58 seconds


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The Angami Naga tribe, as part of Nagaland’s Hornbill Festival, showcased their unity by pulling a massive 15-tonne stone for four kilometers.

About Angami Naga tribe:

Angami-Naga tribe is one among the many other Naga tribes and has its own cultural identity. J.H. Hutton also mentioned in his book “The Angami Nagas”.

They are listed as a Scheduled Tribe in the 5th schedule of the Indian Constitution and they speak Angami language (Tenyidie). They do not have a script of their own. In terms of religion, most of them are Christian (98.22%) and a few of them are still following Animism (0.71%).

They are known for their terrace wet cultivation and are mainly divided into four distinct groups: Khonoma group, the Kohima group, the Viswema group, and the Chakroma group. At present, it is common to identify these groups based on their geographic distribution.

Cuisine: Galho is a popular Angami cuisine made from a mixture of rice, Himalayan knotweed, vegetables, and meats (pork or beef), etc.

Festival: The Angamis celebrate a ten-day festival called Sekrenyi.

Economy:  Shifting or Jhum cultivation is practiced among this tribe. The ‘Phichu-Pfe” is a distinct shawl worn exclusively by the tribe’s priests during religious ceremonies and rituals. They are known for their refined basket-making skills. The khophi, a utility basket for carrying things, is its signature basket.

Social Life: Patriarchal and patrilineal society. They belong to the Mongoloid race.



Northeastern India; shares borders with Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, and Myanmar.




Became the 16th state of India on December 1, 1963.

Official Language


Other Languages

Nagamese, various tribal dialects (Ao, Angami, Sumi, Lotha, etc.)


Hilly terrain with dense forests; Mount Saramati (3,826 m) is the highest peak.


Monsoon-influenced subtropical; heavy rainfall during the monsoon season.


Major tribes include Ao, Angami, Sumi, Lotha, Konyak, Chakhesang, and others.


Predominantly agrarian; key crops include rice, maize, millet, and oilseeds.


Handloom, handicrafts, bamboo products, and tourism.

Flora and Fauna

Rich biodiversity with species like Blyth's tragopan and Mithun (state animal).


Hornbill Festival, Sekrenyi, Moatsu, and Aoling.


Predominantly Christian, with Baptists forming the largest denomination.

Cultural Highlights

Known for its rich tribal culture, traditional dances, and colorful attire.


Shares international border with Myanmar.


Dimapur has the only airport and railway station; road network links to neighboring states.

About Hornbill festival:




Q.Consider the following statements regarding the Angami Tribe of Nagaland:

  1. The Angami are one of the major Naga tribes indigenous to the state of Nagaland.
  2. They practice primarily a subsistence agriculture system based on shifting cultivation.
  3. Angamis are known for their unique customs and traditions including the Hornbill Festival.
  4. The Angami language belongs to the Tibeto-Burman language family.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) 1 and 4 only

(d) 1, 3, and 4 only

Answer: d


Statement 1 is correct: The Angami are one of the major Naga tribes indigenous to the state of Nagaland.

Statement 2 is incorrect: While the Angamis practice agriculture, they do not rely only on shifting cultivation. They have adopted various forms of sustainable agricultural practices.

Statement 3 is correct: Angamis are known for their unique customs and traditions, which are prominently showcased during the Hornbill Festival.

Statement 4 is correct: The Angami language belongs to the Tibeto-Burman language family, similar to other Naga languages.

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