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- Former Executive Director of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) “Dinesh Kumar Shukla” assumed the charge as Chairman of AERB.
- He has been appointed for 3 years.
- Mr Shukla is an expert in the field of Nuclear Safety.
- He joined the Bhabha Atomic Energy Research Centre (BARC) in 1981.
- He has been associated with the commissioning of the high flux research reactor Dhruva and later held the position of Head, of the Reactor Operations Division (ROD), BARC.
- In 2015, he joined AERB where he served in various capacities viz. Member of the Board, Executive Director and Chairman, of the Safety Review Committee for Operating Plants (SARCOP).
- In February 2021, Mr Shukla superannuated from AERB and since then had been actively mentoring nuclear energy professionals on nuclear safety and regulations.
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB)
- The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board was established in 1983, by the President of India under the Atomic Energy Act, of 1962.
- The regulatory authority of AERB is derived under the Atomic Energy Act and the Environment (Protection) Act, of 1986.
- The Mission of the AERB is to ensure the use of ionizing radiation and nuclear energy in India does not cause undue risk to the health of people and the environment.
Functions of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB)
- Develop safety policies in nuclear, radiation and industrial safety areas for facilities under its purview.
- Develop Safety Codes, Guides and Standards for siting, design, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of different types of nuclear and radiation facilities.
- Grant consents for construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning, after an appropriate safety review and assessment, for the establishment of nuclear and radiation facilities.
- Ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements prescribed by AERB during all stages of consenting through a system of review and assessment, regulatory inspection and enforcement.
- Prescribe the acceptance limits of radiation exposure to occupational workers and members of the public and acceptable limits for environmental releases of radioactive substances.
- Review the emergency preparedness plans for nuclear and radiation facilities and during the transport of large radioactive sources, irradiated fuel and fissile material.
- Review the training program, qualifications and licensing policies for personnel of nuclear and radiation facilities and prescribe the syllabi for the training of personnel in safety aspects at all levels.
- Promote research and development efforts in the areas of safety.
- Review the nuclear and industrial safety aspects in nuclear facilities under its purview.