The Maharashtra CM inaugurated the bow-string arch bridge as part of the Mumbai Coastal Road Project (MCRP). This 827-meter bridge connects Mumbai's Coastal Road to the Bandra-Worli Sea Link, reducing traffic congestion and providing a direct coastal route. MCRP also includes India’s first undersea tunnel for faster travel.

Last Updated on 28th January, 2025
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The Chief Minister of Maharashtra inaugurated the bow-string arch bridge connecting Mumbai's Coastal Road to the Bandra-Worli Sea Link (BWSL).  

About the bow-string arch bridge

The bow-string arch bridge is an important part of the Mumbai Coastal Road Project (MCRP), designed to improve connectivity between the city's coastal road and the Bandra-Worli Sea Link (BWSL). It will help to reduce traffic congestion and provide a direct north-south route along Mumbai's western coastline.

The bridge uses high-tension chords, which reduce the need for many pillars. This design is ideal for areas with strong waves and minimizes the environmental impact.

The bridge is 827 meters long, with 699 meters spanning over the Arabian Sea. It includes a 143-meter long, 27-meter wide, and 31-meter high 'Bo Arch String Girder,' which weighs around 2,400 metric tons.   

About the Mumbai Coastal Road Project (MCRP)

It is a large-scale infrastructure project to construct a 29.2 km long, 8-lane expressway along the city's western coastline, connecting Marine Drive in the south to Kandivali in the north, with the key feature being India's first undersea tunnel, designed to significantly reduce travel time between South Mumbai and the Western suburbs while easing traffic congestion.

It aims to create a sustainable, efficient, and livable urban environment for Mumbai’s residents, transforming the city's infrastructure for the better.

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