The Union Home Ministry has renamed the Chandigarh advisor's post to Chief Secretary in Union Territories like Chandigarh, aligning it with the Chief Secretaries of state and enhancing prestige. The Chief Secretary is the highest executive official in a state government, advising the Chief Minister on state administration and supervising policy implementation.

Last Updated on 10th January, 2025
3 minutes, 10 seconds


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Picture Courtesy: Deccanherland


The Union Home Ministry has renamed the Chandigarh advisor's post as chief secretary, replacing the previous role of advisor to the UT administrator.


The central government redesigned the post of ‘UT adviser to the administrator’ to ‘Chief Secretary’ in some Union Territories, such as Chandigarh.

While the change is mostly in nomenclature, it aims to align the position with the Chief Secretaries of state and enhance the prestige of the role. The powers and functions of the position remain largely the same.

About the Chief Secretary of a State

The Chief Secretary is the highest executive official in a state government.

He is usually a senior IAS officer.

He is appointed by the Chief Minister.

The key responsibilities include:

  • Advising the Chief Minister on state administration.
  • Coordinating the activities of various departments
  • Supervising the implementation of policies.
  • Managing crises and reporting directly to the Chief Minister for overall administration.

About the Administrator of a Union Territory (UT)

The Administrator of a Union Territory is appointed by the President of India. In some UTs, the Administrator is also the Lieutenant Governor.

They act as the head of the UT administration and ensure the implementation of central government policies.

The Administrator also coordinates with various central government departments, manages the development of the UT, and, in UTs with legislative assemblies, promulgates ordinances and gives assent to bills.

The Administrator reports directly to the President of India and the Ministry of Home Affairs.

How do the roles of Chief Secretary of State and Administrator of a Union Territory differ?

The Chief Secretary is the principal advisor to the Chief Minister of a state, supervising the state administration and implementing state policies.

The Administrator of a UT is the head of the UT administration, ensuring the implementation of central government policies and coordinating with central agencies.

While the Chief Secretary reports to the Chief Minister, the Administrator reports to the President of India and the Ministry of Home Affairs.

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