IAS Gyan

Daily News Analysis

Chinese Giant Salamander

7th December, 2023 Environment

Chinese Giant Salamander

Disclaimer: Copyright infringement not intended.


  • An old video of giant ancient salamanders discovered in a southwest China cave has sparked conservation concerns.

Chinese giant salamander

  • The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is one of the largest salamanders and one of the largest amphibians in the world.
  • It is fully aquatic, and is endemic to rocky mountain streams and lakes in the Yangtze river basin of central China.
  • It is considered critically endangered in the wild due to habitat loss, pollution, and overcollection, as it is considered a delicacy and used in traditional Chinese medicine.
  • The Chinese giant salamander is considered to be a "living fossil".
  • Although protected under Chinese law and CITES Appendix I, the wild population has declined by more than an estimated 80% since the 1950s.


Q. Consider the following statements:

1.The Chinese giant salamander is considered to be a "living fossil".

2.It has declined by more than an estimated 80% since the 1950s.

3.It is fully aquatic, and is endemic to rocky mountain streams and lakes in the Yangtze river basin of central China.

How many of the above statements are correct?

A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) All 3

D) None

Answer: C) All 3