Delimitation Commission

Last Updated on 9th February, 2022
3 minutes, 29 seconds


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  • The Delimitation Commission has proposed significant changes to the electoral map of Jammu and Kashmir.

About Delimitation Commission:

What is Delimitation

·        It is an act or process of fixing limits or boundaries of territorial constituencies

Constitutional and Legal Provisions

·        Under article 82, Parliament enacts a law for delimitation after every census.

·        Under article 170, States are divided into territorial constituencies as per the delimitation act. (Note: State can’t make the delimitation act.)


History of Delimitation

·        First delimitation: 1950-51 with the help of election commission

·        First Delimitation act: 1952

·        1981 and 1991 census resulted into no delimitation act.

Delimitation Commission

·        Set up by President of India

·        Works in collaboration with Election commission of India.

Structure of Commission

·        Retired Supreme Court Judge

·        Chief Election Commissioner

·        Respective state election commissioner

Functions of Commission

·        Decide the boundaries of constituencies in such manner to make population nearly equal for all constituencies.

·        Identify seats for SC and ST wherever their population is large.


·        Its orders have the power of law and can’t be questioned in the court of law.

·        These orders come into force on a date to be specified by the President of India.

·        The copies of its orders are laid before the House of the People and the State Legislative Assembly concerned, but no modifications are permissible therein by them.

Challenges with Delimitation

·        Delimitation is being carried out as per the population of 1971.

·        Capping of Lok Sabha and Raya Sabha seats have left more population being represented by single member.

·        Recently, ex-president Pranab Mukherjee highlighted that India needs 1000 parliamentarians for true representation.


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