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Last Updated on 31st July, 2024
16 minutes, 54 seconds






  • The Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2024 is a proposed piece of legislation that represents a significant shift in how digital content is regulated. It aims to exert greater control over digital media platforms and individual content creators, potentially leading to increased government oversight and censorship.

Previous Regulations

IT Rules, 2021: The initial attempt to strictly regulate digital media began with the IT Rules, 2021, which expanded the powers of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) and the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB). These rules mandated the traceability of messages and allowed the MIB to require registration and block digital content.

Grievance Appellate Committees: Established to handle disputes over content removal, these committees have been criticized for their lack of transparency and broad powers.

Key Provisions of the Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill 2024

Expansion of Scope

Classification of Content Creators: The Bill redefines various digital content creators as "Digital News Broadcasters" or "OTT Broadcasters." This reclassification could subject individual commentators and content creators to regulatory oversight and registration requirements.

Thresholds for Registration: The MIB has the authority to set and modify thresholds for the number of subscribers or users that necessitate registration. This could potentially affect a wide range of digital creators, from popular influencers to smaller content creators.

New Compliance Requirements

Independent Safe Harbour Regime: The Bill introduces a new safe harbour regime independent of the Information Technology Act, 2000. This regime grants the MIB significant power to enforce compliance, including issuing directives to online platforms like YouTube.

Special Compliance for Platforms: Platforms may be required to implement special compliance measures for news channels and individual creators. This could extend to content unrelated to news, such as lifestyle or cooking videos.

Censorship and Enforcement

Proactive Compliance: The Bill emphasizes proactive compliance by online platforms, shifting some responsibility for content regulation from the government to private entities. This system could lead to increased self-censorship by content creators and platforms.

Arbitrary Enforcement: Many provisions in the Bill are vague, allowing for arbitrary enforcement by the MIB. This could result in uneven application of the law and potential abuse of power.

Decision-Making Process

Bureaucratic System: The Bill introduces a complex bureaucratic process for censorship, including multiple layers of registration and compliance requirements. This system is designed to centralize control but has been criticized for being overly cumbersome and politicized.

 Criticisms and Implications

  • Increased Government Control: The Bill is seen as a means to centralize control over digital media, enhancing the government's ability to shape and control online narratives. This could limit the diversity of viewpoints available to the public.
  • Erosion of Fundamental Rights: Critics argue that the Bill threatens freedom of expression by imposing stringent controls on digital content. The potential for arbitrary enforcement and censorship raises concerns about the erosion of fundamental rights.
  • Impact on Digital Creators: Smaller content creators could face significant challenges in complying with the new regulations, potentially stifling creativity and limiting their ability to operate freely. The fear of regulatory repercussions might lead to increased self-censorship among digital creators, affecting the diversity and quality of online content.
  • Transparency Issues: The lack of transparency surrounding the Bill's provisions and the process of its drafting has been criticized. The Bill's details have not been fully disclosed, leading to concerns about the potential for hidden agendas and lack of public scrutiny.


  • The Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2024 represents a significant shift in how digital content is regulated in India. While it aims to address issues related to misinformation and online content, it has been criticized for potentially creating a more authoritarian framework for controlling digital media. The Bill's emphasis on expanding government control, increasing compliance requirements, and the potential for arbitrary enforcement raises serious concerns about its impact on freedom of expression and the operation of digital content creators.





  • The proposal for establishing a Legal Advisory Council (LAC) to support the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) is driven by the urgent need for more effective and proactive legal input into the legislative process. This proposal addresses various shortcomings in the current legal advisory and legislative review mechanisms, aiming to ensure that laws and policies are constitutionally sound, socially acceptable, and practically implementable.

 Background and Need for a Legal Advisory Council

Challenges with Current Legal Advisory Mechanisms

  • Legislative Oversight Issues: Recent legal issues, such as the Supreme Court's judgment on the electoral bonds scheme and the Aadhaar Act, highlight gaps in the legislative process. These problems were seen as avoidable if the laws had undergone thorough pre-enforcement scrutiny.
  • Reactive Nature of Existing Bodies: Current bodies like the Law Commission of India (LCI) are primarily reactive, focusing on recommending reforms to existing laws rather than anticipating issues with new legislation.

 Case Studies Highlighting the Need

  • Electoral Bonds Scheme: The Supreme Court found this scheme unconstitutional for violating the right to information, a challenge that might have been mitigated with a more rigorous pre-enforcement review.
  • Aadhaar Act: The Supreme Court's intervention in the Aadhaar Act case could have been avoided with thorough legal analysis beforehand.
  • Transporter Strike: The controversy over hit-and-run provisions in the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023, highlights the need for better impact assessment before the implementation of new laws.

 Proposal for a Legal Advisory Council (LAC)

Objective and Role

  • Proactive Legal Input: The LAC would provide continuous, informed, and empirically valid legal input to the government, focusing on the anticipated impacts and challenges of proposed legislation.
  • Support to the PMO: The LAC would work directly with the PMO, offering legal analysis, assessing potential impacts, and anticipating challenges associated with new laws and policies.

 Structure and Composition

  • Members: The LAC could include eminent jurists, legal scholars, and researchers with expertise in various fields such as criminal law, trade law, international law, business laws, and taxation laws. This diverse composition would ensure comprehensive analysis and advice.
  • Comparison with the Law Commission of India (LCI):
      • Functioning: Unlike the LCI, which is reactive and focused on existing laws, the LAC would be proactive, concentrating on upcoming legislation.
      • Engagement: The LAC would be more dynamically engaged with the PMO, addressing legal challenges in real time as they arise.

 Benefits of a Legal Advisory Council

Enhanced Legal Viability

  • Preventive Analysis: The LAC would conduct a thorough legal analysis to anticipate and address potential challenges before laws are enacted, thereby preventing issues that could arise post-enforcement.
  • Impact Assessment: By assessing the potential impacts of proposed laws, the LAC would help ensure that new legislation is both constitutionally sound and socially acceptable.

Improved Legislative Process

  • Integration with Policy Formation: The LAC would work closely with the PMO, ensuring that legal considerations are integrated into policy formation from the outset.
  • Reduction in Legal Disputes: Proactive legal input could reduce the number of legal disputes and challenges faced by the government, leading to smoother implementation of laws.

 Utilizing Academic Expertise

  • National Law Universities: Leveraging the expertise of national law universities, which are equipped for in-depth legal research and analysis, could enhance the quality of legal advice provided to the government.

 Addressing Current Shortcomings

Criticisms of Existing Bodies

  • Law Commission of India (LCI): The LCI has been criticized for its limited effectiveness, with only a small percentage of its recommendations being implemented and a relatively low output of reports.
  • Need for Dynamism: The LCI's slow and reactive approach contrasts with the need for a more agile and proactive body capable of addressing complex and rapidly evolving legal issues.

 Potential Impact of the LAC

  • Speed and Efficiency: The LAC's dynamic and proactive approach would provide faster and more relevant legal input, improving the legislative process and outcomes.
  • Enhanced Governance: By anticipating and addressing legal challenges before they escalate, the LAC would contribute to more effective and efficient governance.


  • The establishment of a Legal Advisory Council (LAC) presents a promising solution to address the gaps in the current legal advisory and legislative review processes. By providing proactive, informed, and empirically valid legal input, the LAC would support the government in creating constitutionally sound and socially acceptable laws. Its focus on anticipating legal challenges and assessing the impacts of proposed legislation could lead to improved governance and more effective implementation of laws. Leveraging the expertise of national law universities and incorporating diverse legal perspectives would further enhance the quality and relevance of the advice provided.





  • The editorial argues for the relaxation of restrictions on Chinese investment in India, emphasizing that such measures have been counterproductive and have hindered India’s industrial and economic progress.


  • Restrictions Imposed: In 2020, India implemented stringent measures against Chinese economic and trade activities under the pretext of protecting domestic industries. These measures included limiting Chinese visas, banning Chinese mobile apps, delaying Chinese investments, and reducing direct flights between India and China.
  • Impact of Restrictions: Four years later, these measures have not achieved their intended goals. Instead, they have been seen as detrimental to India’s ambitions of becoming a manufacturing hub. The editorial cites a decrease in manufacturing’s share of India’s GDP from 16% in 2015 to around 13% in 2023, and repeated postponements of the target to increase this share to 25% by 2025.

 Impact of the Policies

  • Production Losses: Indian electronics manufacturers have reportedly faced $15 billion in production losses and around 100,000 job cuts as a result of these restrictions. This indicates a significant economic impact on sectors that are crucial to India’s industrial growth.
  • Missed Opportunities: The editorial points out that India has missed out on opportunities for global industrial chain adjustments. This has been attributed to India’s rigid stance and inability to capitalize on potential benefits from cooperation with China.
  • Domestic Opposition: Many affected groups, including Indian businesses and scholars, have criticized the restrictive policies. They argue that these measures have harmed their operations and productivity and that there is a pressing need to revisit these policies.

Challenges Faced by India

  • Dependence on Chinese Components and Expertise: India's manufacturing sector relies heavily on Chinese components, intermediate goods, and technical support. Bypassing China has proved unrealistic and counterproductive. For instance, Indian businesses have struggled with idle machinery purchased from China due to restrictions on Chinese technicians.

 Call for Policy Reevaluation

Proposed Revisions

  • Relaxation of Restrictions: The editorial suggests that relaxing visa restrictions for Chinese professionals and resuming direct flights between India and China could help Indian businesses fulfil export orders and utilize machinery more effectively.
  • Government Stance: Despite the editorial’s argument for policy relaxation, Indian Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal has recently stated that India is not reconsidering its stance on Chinese investments. This indicates internal division within the Indian government regarding the issue.

 Geopolitical Considerations

  • External Influence: The editorial criticizes Western media and geopolitical interests that might influence India’s policy decisions. It suggests that some American media outlets are urging India to align its economic policies with broader geopolitical strategies, particularly its relationship with the US.

 Broader Implications and Recommendations

  • Strategic Cooperation: The editorial argues that a cooperative approach with China could benefit India’s development. It highlights the importance of a pragmatic and open attitude toward bilateral economic and trade cooperation, which can set a positive example for other developing countries.
  • India’s Diplomacy: The editorial advises India to prioritize its economic interests and avoid letting geopolitical considerations overly influence its decisions. It suggests that correcting misguided policies will not result in "losing face" but rather demonstrate India’s maturity and confidence in managing international relations.


  • The editorial advocates for the relaxation of Chinese investment curbs in India, arguing that the current restrictive policies have negatively impacted India’s manufacturing sector and economic growth. It highlights the need for India to reconsider its stance, relax visa restrictions, and resume direct flights with China to enhance economic cooperation. The editorial also addresses concerns about external influences and geopolitical considerations, urging India to focus on pragmatic and mutually beneficial economic policies.


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