GS PAPER II: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment.
Context: Indian Oil Corporation has kicked-off the supply of diesel that is blended with biodiesel made from used cooking oil.
RUCO (Repurpose Used Cooking Oil) Initiative
- This initiative will garner substantial economic benefits for the nation by shoring up indigenous Biodiesel supply, reducing import dependence, and generating rural employment
- Under the initiative, OMCs offer periodically incremental price guarantees for five years and extend off-take guarantees for ten years to prospective bidders.
- Feedstock availability in biodiesel is a challenge, and leveraging UCO can be a major breakthrough that will enable us to reach the target of 5 per cent Biodiesel blending,”
Total Polar Compounds
- During frying, several properties of oil are altered, Total Polar Compounds(TPC) are formed on repeated frying.
- The toxicity of these compounds is associated with several diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, liver diseases. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the quality of vegetable oils during frying.
- In order to safeguard consumer health, FSSAI has fixed a limit for Total Polar Compounds at 25 percent beyond which the vegetable oil shall not be used.
- From 1st July, 2018 onwards, all Food Business Operators (FBOs) are required to monitor the quality of oil during frying by complying with the said regulations.
- FSSAI is implementing an EEE Strategy -
- Education
- Enforcement
- Ecosystem
to divert Used Cooking Oil from the food value chain and curb current illegal practices.
- The EEE Strategy approach ensures good health and welfare for all 130-crore citizens, aiding energy security, climate change mitigation, and leading to environmentally sustainable development.