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Last Updated on 7th October, 2024
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The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) released the 7th consecutive issue of the publication “EnviStats India 2024: Environment Accounts”.

About EnviStats

EnviStats (Environment Statistics) provides information about the environment, important changes over time and across locations and the main factors that influence them.

The first EnviStats were released in 2018 on recommendations of the Sir Partha Dasgupta Committee.

EnviStats India 2024

EnviStats India 2024 has been published under the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) framework, a globally agreed standard for compiling environmental-economic accounts.

Technical Assistance 

Technical advice for the creation of Ocean Accounts was given by the Expert Group on Ocean Ecosystem Accounts, which is made up of representatives from the Ministry of Earth Sciences, the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, the Geological Survey of India, and the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas.

More about the report:

The following are included in the publication: IUCN Red List Species Richness, Energy Accounts, Ocean Accounts, Soil Nutrient Index, and Biodiversity.

Accounts for Energy 

The Central Electricity Authority, the Ministry of Coal, the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, the Geological Survey of India, and Physical Asset Accounts and Physical Supply and Use Tables for Energy are all included in the report. This tracks energy resources using the SEEA-Energy framework.

Ocean Accounts

For the first time, the report includes a dedicated section on Ocean Accounts. It outlines a framework for compiling ocean-related data, covering both the extent and condition of marine ecosystems.

Soil Nutrient Index
Updated values of the Soil Nutrient Index for the year 2023-24 have been compiled using data from the Soil Health Card initiative.

Biodiversity and Genetic Conservation
The publication provides detailed information on India’s taxonomic faunal and floral diversity, the status of Leopard And Snow Leopard, and data on genetic conservation from relevant ministries and agencies.

IUCN Red List Species Richness
It also includes a section on the Species Richness of IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, categorized by taxonomic groups, using spatial datasets from the IUCN.

Report Highlights:

1. India emerged as a world leader in energy transition

2. There has been around 72% increase in the number and around 16% increase in area for the Total Protected Area during the period 2000 to 2023.

Number and Area (in sq. km) of total Protected Area in India from 2000 to 2023

3. The coverage of Mangroves, which is an important sub ecosystem of the ocean ecosystem, has increased around 8% over the years 2013 to 2021.

Important articles for reference;

System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) framework.

Environment Accounts in India

Soil Health Card initiative.

Species Richness 



Q.Consider the following statements about the “EnviStats India 2024” recently seen in the news: 

  1. It has been published under the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) framework.
  2. Ocean Accounts has been added as a new section in the report.
  3. The publication provides detailed information on India’s taxonomic floral diversity only.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

A.Only one

B.Only two

C. All Three


Answer: B


Statement 1 is correct: 

EnviStats India 2024 has been published under the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) framework, a globally agreed standard for compiling environmental-economic accounts.

Technical Assistance 

The Expert Group on Ocean Ecosystem Accounts, comprising members from the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Geological Survey of India, and Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, provided technical guidance for the development of Ocean Accounts.

The report includes Physical Asset Accounts and Physical Supply and Use Tables for Energy, using data from the Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Geological Survey of India, and Central Electricity Authority. This follows the SEEA-Energy framework for tracking energy resources.

Statement 2 is correct: 

For the first time, the report includes a dedicated section on Ocean Accounts. It outlines a framework for compiling ocean-related data, covering both the extent and condition of marine ecosystems.

Soil Nutrient Index
Updated values of the Soil Nutrient Index for the year 2023-24 have been compiled using data from the Soil Health Card initiative.

Statement 3 is incorrect: 

The publication provides detailed information on India’s taxonomic faunal and floral diversity, the status of Leopard And Snow Leopard, and data on genetic conservation from relevant ministries and agencies.

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