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Context: Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated 'gobar-dhan' Bio-CNG plant in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
- The Biogas plant was inaugurated under the vision of “waste to wealth”, and “circular economy” for maximizing resource recovery.
- The plant has a capacity to treat 550 tonnes per day of utilizing wet organic waste.
- The plant expected to produce around 17,000 kg per day of CNG, and 100 tonnes per day of organic compost.
- The plant is based on zero landfill models, no waste materials would be generated.
- Expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, providing green energy, organic compost and fertilizer.
- Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) created a Special Purpose Vehicle to implement the project.
- Indore Municipal Corporation to purchase a minimum 50% of CNG produced by the plant. Target to run 400 city buses on the CNG.
- The remaining quantity of CNG will be sold in the open market.
- Organic compost from the plant will be utilized for agricultural and horticultural purposes.
GOBAR-DHAN Initiative:
- Under the Ministry of Jal shakti.
- The Initiative Support Swachh Bharat Mission.
- It will help in Increasing rural incomes.
- The initiative has 2 Objectives
- To Make villages Clean and generate income and energy from Cattle and other organic waste.
- To Promote Cleanliness and sustainable Solid and liquid waste management in rural India.
- The Residues from Biogas plant, used for vermicomposting and organic farming.
- These plants will Supply Cooking gas at a Cost lower than the Conventional LPG gas Cylinder.
- Biomass is renewable organic energy that comes from plants and animals. It is an important fuel for many, especially for cooking and heating in rural areas.
- Biomass fuels are also used for transportation and electricity generation.
- Biomass sources for energy include: Wood and wood processing wastes, Agricultural crops and waste materials, organic materials in municipal solid waste, Animal manure and human sewage.
Biogas potential of India:
- Recent Livestock Census estimates India’s Cattle Population around 300 million, with total Production of dung approx 3 million tonnes per day.
- Many Countries are using animal dung and other organic waste to generate energy. But India has still to utilize the full potential of bio waste.
- Cattle dung, kitchen waste and agricultural waste Can be tapped to create biogas-based energy.
- According to an International Labor Organization report; Effective use of Cattle dung Could generate 1.5 million jobs in India..
- Maintaining a regular Supply of Cattle dung and other organic waste to Plant operators.
- Lack of trained manpower, lack of skilled workforce to manage the operation in a sustainable way.
- Inadequate financial support to set up biogas plants, lack of supporting infrastructure like roads, transportation, etc.
- Shortage of fodder production for the cattle affects the production of organic waste needed for the plant.
- Farm Mechanization is replacing the cattle in agriculture. This led to ignorance of cattle by the cattle's master, and they found keeping cattle a burden.
Way forward:
- Engage all Stakeholders,
- Encourage Investments from Private Sector and local entrepreneurs,
- Building capacity of Panchayats and village Communities as they have to play a key role in running the plant in a sustainable way.