Golden Trevally

Last Updated on 25th April, 2024
4 minutes, 27 seconds


Golden Trevally

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  • Researchers at the ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) achieved captive breeding of golden trevally, a high-value marine fish, after five years of research at CMFRI's Visakhapatnam Regional Centre.

Details of the study:

  • The research on seed production of golden trevally began in 2019 at CMFRI's Visakhapatnam Regional Centre.
  • Captive breeding of golden trevally was achieved after five years of research.

Golden trevally

  • It is also known as golden kingfish.
  • Scientific name: Gnathanodon speciosus.
  • It is considered an ideal candidate for mariculture due to its faster growth rates, good meat quality, and high market demand for consumption and ornamental purposes.
  • Golden trevally is a reef-associated fish with yellowish coloration on the belly, scattered black patches, and yellow fins with a black tail.
  • Juveniles are particularly attractive with golden coloration and black bands, making them preferred for aquarium keeping.
  • The farm-gate value of golden trevally is estimated to be between ₹400-500 per kg, while the ornamental variety can fetch prices ranging from ₹150-250 per piece.


  • This achievement is expected to open up a new avenue for sustainable seafood production and boost the country's mariculture activities, including sea cage farming.

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI)

  • The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) is a research institute established by the Government of India in 1947.
  • It became a part of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in 1967.
  • CMFRI's main office: Kochi, Kerala.

Its main goals are:

  • To keep track of the fish that are caught and to study marine life in the Exclusive Economic Zone.
  • To figure out how changes in the environment affect the number of fish in the ocean.
  • To develop new ways to grow fish and other sea creatures in the open ocean to help increase the amount of seafood we can get.

One of CMFRI's important accomplishments is the development and refinement of a unique method for the estimation of fishery catch and effort from the over 8000 km coastline called the "Stratified Multistage Random Sampling Method”.



Q) Consider the following statements about the Golden Trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus):

1) It is primarily found in deep-sea waters.

2) Its scientific name is Gasterosteus aculeatus.

3) Juveniles of this species have silver-grey coloration.

4) It is not suitable for mariculture due to slow growth rates.

How many of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

A.Only one

B.Only Two

C.Only Three

D.All four

Correct answer: c)


Statement 1 is Incorrect: 

Golden Trevally is a reef-associated fish, which means it primarily inhabits shallow waters near coral reefs, not deep-sea waters.

Statement 2 is Incorrect:

The scientific name for the Golden Trevally is Gnathanodon speciosus, not Gasterosteus aculeatus. Scientific names are specific to each species, and Gasterosteus aculeatus refers to a different species of fish known as the three-spined stickleback.

Statement 3 is Correct:

This statement accurately describes the coloration of juvenile Golden Trevally. Juveniles have silver-grey coloration with golden hues and black bands, making them visually appealing and popular for aquarium keeping.

Statement 4 is Incorrect:

Golden Trevally is considered an ideal candidate for mariculture due to its faster growth rates, good meat quality, and high market demand.

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