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Context :
- A recent study found that gorillas like chimpanzees are selfaware.
- Traditionally, animals self awareness has been tested with the mirror test.
- Where a mark on their body shows whether they recognize themselves or not
- However, since gorillas don't rely heavily on vision. The researchers used a different test.
- They asked chimpanzees & gorillas to open the lid of a box to get to food.
- Both species were able to recognize that their own body was the obstacle.
- This study suggests that gorillas may have more complex thoughts than previously thought.
- Thats why different tests are needed to study animals self awareness.
About Gorillas
- Largest of the Great Apes: Gorillas are the largest among the 5 species of great apes.
- This also includes orangutans, chimpanzees, bonobos, & humans.
- Gorillas share 3% of their genetic code with humans
- It is making them our closest relatives after chimpanzees & bonobos.
- However, Gorillas & humans diverged from a common ancestor 10 million years ago.
- 2 Gorilla Species:
- Eastern Gorilla
- Western Gorilla
- Mountain Gorilla: it is also a subspecies of the Eastern Gorilla.
- Habitat: Gorillas live in tropical forests of equatorial Africa.
- Eastern Gorillas: they are Found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Uganda, & Rwanda.
- Western Gorillas: They are Found in Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Angola & parts of the DRC.
- Size and Strength: Gorillas are large, powerful animals with heavy chests & shoulders.
- Males are twice as heavy as females. They reach 7 m. in height & weighing between 135/220 kg in the wild.
- Distinctive Traits:
- They are Large & they have human like hands with muscular arms longer than their legs.
- They have Dark skin with black to brown grey hair.
- Males develop silver gray saddles across their backs & thighs at sexual maturity. That is earning them the name silverback.
- Their Faces shows large nostrils small ears, & brow ridges.
- Social Structure: Gorillas live in family groups of 5-10 members. It is led by a single adult silverback.
- These groups are polygamous with the silverback mating with the females.
- Locomotion: Gorillas are primarily terrestrial & they use knuckle walking for movement. This mode is also shared with chimpanzees.
- knuckle walking means walking on all fours. supporting their weight on their knuckles
- Diet: They are vegetarian, feeding mainly on leaves, stems, fruit, & bamboo.
Conservation Status
- IUCN Red List: Both Eastern Gorillas & Western Gorillas are classified as Critically Endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, & disease.
About Chimpanzees
- Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are one of our closest living relatives.
- They also share a common ancestor with humans that lived about 7-8 million years ago.
There are 4 recognized subspecies of chimpanzees:
- Central Chimpanzee
- Western Chimpanzee
- Nigeria-Cameroon Chimpanzee
- Eastern Chimpanzee
IUCN Status
- Chimpanzees are listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List.
- The Western Chimpanzee is classified as Critically Endangered due to habitat destruction and hunting.
Feeding Habits
- Chimpanzees have an omnivorous They consume a wide variety of foods such as fruits, leaves, & nuts.
- In dry environments, they may also use cave areas & mangrove leaves for food sources.
Source: DTE
Practice Question
Q. What is the conservation status of both Eastern and Western gorillas? (A) Least Concern (B) Endangered (C) Critically Endangered (D) Vulnerable
Answer: (C) Critically Endangered
Explanation: Both Eastern Gorillas and Western Gorillas are classified as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List due to threats like habitat loss, poaching, and disease.