- Bihar plans GPS trackers for endangered Greater Adjutant Storks to study their movements
About Greater Adjutant Storks:
- They are locally known as ‘Garuda’.
- Bhagalpur’s Kadwa Diara floodplains area is the third-most popular breeding centre for the greater adjutant stork in the world after Assam and Cambodia.
- The greater adjutant is one of the most threatened stork species of the world and is widely considered to be a rare bird.
- However, the global population of the Greater Adjutant Stork is estimated to be roughly not more than 1,500 now.
- The greater adjutant stork is classified as ‘endangered ‘on the IUCN’s Red List 2004 of threatened species and listed under Schedule IV of the Indian Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.
Climate Code Red
- The Intergovernment Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) has released sixth assessment report, which predicts more intense and frequent heat-waves, increased incidents of extreme rainfall, dangerous rise in sea-levels, prolonged droughts, and melting glaciers.
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