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In Context:
- Recently, the Cabinet Economic Committee, chaired by the Prime Minister, has approved the Green Energy Corridor [GEC] Phase II scheme of the National Transmission System (InSTS).
- This corridor is designed to promote grid integration and energy evacuation of approximately 20 GW of renewable energy projects in seven states. Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerara, Rajasthan, With Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh
- The second phase will take place in fiscal years 2021- 2026.
Bridge to Nepal: The Cabinet also approved the construction of a bridge over the Mahakali River on the border with Nepal.
- The bridge will be built in the highlands of Uttarakhand, Dartula, with the aim of benefiting people on both sides of the border river.
- There is now an old bridge connecting the city of Dartula in the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand with the city of the same name in Nepal on the other side.
Green Energy Corridor
- The domestic transmission system based on the Green Energy Corridor (GEC) scheme provides substations with additional transmission lines with a conversion capacity of 27,500 megavolt amperes (MVA).
- The project will enable grid integration and energy evacuation of 20GW of renewable energy projects in seven states: Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Rajastan, Tamirnadu and Uttar Pradesh.
- Thirty-three percent of project costs are covered by central subsidies, which also help offset national relocation costs. This guarantees low power costs that will benefit end users.
- The grid will be installed in the five years from 2021-22 to 2025- 26.
- Long term Benefits: By reducing carbon dioxide emissions, It contribute to the country's long-term energy security and promote environmentally sustainable growth.
- Lower Electricity Charges: CFA helps offset domestic transmission charges and keep electricity charges Government support ultimately benefits end users.
- Direct and indirect employment: It creates great direct and indirect employment opportunities for both skilled and unskilled people in power and other relevant sectors.
Way Forward:
- Although the concept of green infrastructure has been accepted to some extent in India, India should also consider including blue infrastructure in its sustainability transition.
- When planning, it is important to combine and protect both the ecological and hydrological elements of the city landscape.