Greenland’s lakes, once crystal blue, turned brown in 2022 due to extreme weather events, including heavy precipitation and warming temperatures. These changes, caused by thawing permafrost, led to increased carbon emissions and worsened water quality, impacting local drinking water and biodiversity, while contributing to global climate change.

Last Updated on 30th January, 2025
6 minutes, 21 seconds


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According to a new study Abrupt transformation of West Greenland lakes following compound climate extremes associated with atmospheric rivers, more than 7,500 lakes in western Greenland have turned brown, begun emitting carbon, and suffered a drop in water quality due to extreme weather events that took place in 2022.

These lakes, which were once crystal blue, provide drinking water to locals, feature-rich biodiversity, and sequester atmospheric carbon.


  • In 2022, more than 7,500 lakes in Western Greenland underwent a dramatic transformation from crystal blue to brown.
  • This change was caused by extreme weather events, including heavy precipitation and warmer temperatures.
  • The lakes, necessary for local drinking water and biodiversity, began to radiate carbon and suffered a decrease in water quality.

Extreme Weather Events and Their Causes



Transformation of Greenland's Lakes

Unusually high temperatures and precipitation in 2022 led to rain replacing snow. This caused the thawing of permafrost, releasing organic carbon and elements into lakes.

Extreme Weather Events Cause

Warming temperatures, increased precipitation, and rapid changes affecting Greenland's lakes, usually take centuries to occur.

Effects of Climate Change in Greenland

1. Melting ice cover increases due to climate change.

2. Region warming four times faster than the global average.

3. Rapid reduction in ice volume.

4. Greenland's ice melt is a major contributor to rising sea levels.

Effects on Global Climate

1. Melting ice affects global weather patterns.

2. Increased sea levels raise flooding risks in coastal areas.

3. Slowed Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) due to freshwater influx.

4. May cause colder weather and climate change in Europe and North America.

Environmental Importance of Greenland

Greenland acts as a "global thermostat" for climate change.

Geopolitical Importance of Greenland

Greenland holds strategic and economic importance due to its mineral, oil, and gas reserves. Countries are competing for control due to its strategic location between the US, Russia, and Europe.

Effects of Melting Ice Greenland

1. Increased sea levels, raising flood risks.

2. Changes seawater conditions and affects ocean currents.

3. A 2022 study suggests Greenland’s ice will eventually melt into the ocean, except for zombie ice.

Geopolitical Perspective

Greenland is of great geopolitical importance due to its location and natural resources leading to competition among countries for control and influence.

The Role of Atmospheric Rivers

  • Atmospheric rivers played an important role in extreme weather in Greenland.
  • These phenomena, defined as long narrow areas in the atmosphere, transport the amount of water vapor.
  • While they contribute to the supply of fresh water, intense atmospheric rivers can cause serious floods and heat.
  • Climate models suggest that with the increasing global temperature, atmospheric rivers become more frequent and intense and affect regions such as Greenland.

Impact on lake ecosystems

  • The influx of organic carbon and minerals has transformed the physical and chemical properties of lakes.
  • In July 2023, the lake showed noticeable changes in color, odor, and taste. Increased melted organic material influenced drinking water treatment processes, which potentially led to a harmful product.
  • In addition, reduced light penetration prevented phytoplankton from growing, which plays an essential role in the absorption of carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.

The transition from carbon to carbon

  • The transformation of the lakes increased carbon dioxide emissions.
  • The study recorded a 350% increase in emissions when the lake moved from carbon sinks to carbon sources.
  • This change is true because it contributes to an overall increase in atmospheric carbon levels, which worsens climate change.

Wider consequences for carbon sinks

  • Findings from Greenland lakes are part of a larger trend affecting global carbons.
  • A recent study has shown that the absorption of carbon-based soil has been drastically reduced, which has indicated the lowest level since 2003.
  • In natural carbon sinks, such as forests and oceans, try to absorb carbon, and there is a potential for a growing level of atmospheric carbon.
  • Current projections estimate the continuing increase in global carbon dioxide emissions, which further affects climate stability.

About Greenland




Between North America and Europe in the North Atlantic Ocean

Geographical Continent

Part of the North American continent


Ice Ocean (North), Greenland Sea (East), Northern Atlantic (Southeast), Davis Strait (Southwest), Baffin Bay (West)

Political Status

Autonomous province of Denmark, formerly a Danish colony


Polar zone, winter temperatures up to -50°C, summer temperatures rarely exceeding 10–15°C

Temperature Variation

Significant temperature variations across different parts

Highest Point

Gunnbjorn's Fjeld




Green Land


Indian Express


Q.Weather events in Greenland are becoming increasingly extreme due to a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors. Analyze the major weather phenomena affecting Greenland, their causes and the potential implications for global climate patterns. (250 words)

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