Last Updated on 17th August, 2023
19 minutes, 22 seconds


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Picture Courtesy: LiveLaw.in

Context: The Supreme Court has released a new handbook to guide the judiciary and the legal community on how to avoid using gender-unjust terms that are prevalent in Indian courts. The handbook lists several examples of such terms, such as career woman, fallen woman, faithful or obedient wife, eve-teasing, and hermaphrodite, and suggests the appropriate alternatives, such as woman, woman, wife, street sexual harassment, and intersex.


  • The handbook, titled Handbook on Combating Gender Stereotypes, aims to promote a more gender-sensitive language and approach in the legal system. It also reminds the judges of their duty to decide each case on its merits, independently and impartially, without being influenced by predetermined stereotypes.
  • The Chief Justice of India announced the publication of the handbook in open court and expressed his hope that it would mark a significant milestone in the journey towards a more just and equitable society. In his foreword, he emphasized the importance of recognizing and eliminating gender stereotypes in judicial decision-making.

Wrong assumptions

  • The handbook exposes the “false assumptions” that some people have about women. One of the common stereotypes is the belief that women are “too emotional, irrational, and incapable of making decisions”. The truth is that a “person’s gender does not affect or limit their ability to think logically”, the handbook clarifies.
  • It also discusses the assumptions made about a woman’s personality based on her personal choices, such as the clothes she wears, and her sexual history. Such assumptions may influence the judicial evaluation of her actions and statements in a case involving sexual violence. For example, they undermine the significance of consent in sexual relationships.

Picture Courtesy: sci.gov.in

Significance of language

  • Language is a vital tool for the law, as it expresses the values and intentions of the lawmakers and judges. However, language can also reveal the biases and prejudices of those who use it, especially when they rely on stereotypes about certain groups of people. Such stereotypes can harm the application of the law and undermine the constitutional principles of equality and dignity. As Chief Justice noted, "The language a judge uses reflects not only their interpretation of the law but their perception of society as well."

Gender Stereotypes

  • Gender stereotypes are deeply ingrained beliefs and expectations about the roles, behaviours, and characteristics that are considered appropriate for individuals based on their gender. These stereotypes have existed for centuries in various cultures, including India. In India, traditional gender roles have often relegated women to domestic responsibilities and limited their opportunities for education and work.
  • These stereotypes have contributed to gender inequality and discrimination.

Reasons for Gender Stereotypes:

  • Societal Norms and Historical Practices: Many societies have ingrained traditional gender roles that have been passed down through generations. These roles often prescribe specific behaviours, responsibilities, and expectations for individuals based on their gender. These norms have historical roots and have been reinforced over time, making them difficult to challenge.
  • Patriarchy: Patriarchy is a social system where men hold more power and privilege than women. It's a major driver of gender stereotypes, as it reinforces the idea that certain traits, behaviours, and roles are inherently male or female. Patriarchal societies tend to value masculine attributes over feminine ones, perpetuating the notion that certain activities or careers are suitable only for one gender.
  • Traditional Family Structures: The traditional nuclear family model, where men are typically the breadwinners and women are responsible for domestic chores and caregiving, has contributed to gender role expectations. These roles can be deeply ingrained from childhood and influence career choices and life decisions.
  • Religious and Cultural Beliefs: Many religious and cultural practices promote specific gender roles and expectations. These beliefs can be very influential in shaping societal attitudes towards what is considered appropriate behaviour for each gender.
  • Media Influence: The media, including television, movies, and advertisements, often portrays exaggerated and one-dimensional depictions of gender roles. These portrayals reinforce stereotypes by presenting limited and often unrealistic ideas of how men and women should behave or look. This constant exposure to skewed representations can further entrench these stereotypes in people's minds.
  • Lack of Representation: When certain genders are underrepresented or misrepresented in various fields, it can perpetuate the idea that they are not capable or suited for those roles. This lack of representation can be due to historical biases and existing stereotypes.
  • Peer Pressure and Socialization: From a young age, individuals are socialized into gender roles by observing how people around them behave and by receiving messages from family, friends, and society at large. This socialization can make it difficult for individuals to break free from these expectations.
  • Economic Factors: Economic disparities between genders can also contribute to gender stereotypes. If one gender is systematically disadvantaged in terms of education, employment opportunities, and income, it can reinforce stereotypes about their capabilities and roles.
  • Fear of Deviation: People often adhere to gender norms out of fear of being judged, ostracized, or discriminated against. The pressure to conform can discourage individuals from pursuing interests and activities that are seen as unconventional for their gender.

Impacts on Individuals and Society

  • Limited Opportunities: Gender stereotypes can restrict opportunities for women in various fields, such as education, employment, and leadership roles. When certain professions or positions are perceived as being reserved for one gender, it limits the choices and aspirations of individuals, leading to a loss of potential talent and innovation. This perpetuates inequality and prevents society from benefiting from the diverse skills and perspectives that both genders bring.
  • Violence and Discrimination: Gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination are often rooted in power imbalances that are reinforced by gender stereotypes. Stereotypes can lead to the normalization of harmful behaviours, creating a hostile environment where individuals are more vulnerable to mistreatment. It's a vicious cycle where stereotypes both contribute to and are reinforced by these harmful actions.
  • Mental Health: The pressure to conform to gender stereotypes can cause significant stress and anxiety for individuals. When people feel compelled to fit into narrow and unrealistic moulds, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy, identity conflict, and self-esteem issues. Men might struggle with expressing emotions due to stereotypes about masculinity, while women might feel pressured to meet certain appearance or behaviour standards.
  • Family Dynamics: Gender stereotypes can impact family dynamics by influencing expectations placed on individuals within the family unit. These expectations can restrict the roles individuals are allowed to take on, potentially limiting their autonomy and decision-making power. For instance, stereotypical expectations of women as primary caregivers can limit their opportunities outside the home.
  • Educational Achievement: Stereotypes can influence the subjects and fields that individuals are encouraged to pursue in education. This can lead to fewer women entering science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, perpetuating the gender gap in these industries and limiting opportunities for women to contribute to technological advancements.
  • Economic Disparities: Gender stereotypes often result in unequal pay and disparities in the workforce. Jobs traditionally associated with women tend to be undervalued and underpaid, leading to economic inequality. Additionally, women are often concentrated in lower-paying roles and sectors, contributing to the gender pay gap.
  • Societal Progress: Gender stereotypes hinder societal progress by limiting innovation and creativity. When individuals are held back by preconceived notions about their abilities, talents, and potential, it undermines efforts to achieve equality and create a fair and just society for everyone.

Steps Taken to address gender stereotypes and promote gender equality

  • Legal Framework: India has established a legal framework to protect women's rights and address gender-based discrimination. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act provides legal remedies for women facing domestic violence, while the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act aims to create a safe environment for women in workplaces.
  • Education Initiatives: The Indian government has launched campaigns to promote girls' education and reduce gender biases in educational materials. Efforts are being made to ensure that textbooks and curricula do not perpetuate stereotypes and present a more inclusive view of gender roles.
  • Economic Empowerment: Programs like the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) focus on economic empowerment through self-help groups, skill development, and entrepreneurship training. These initiatives aim to enhance women's financial independence and decision-making abilities.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Various NGOs and governmental bodies have initiated awareness campaigns to challenge stereotypes and promote gender equality. These campaigns aim to change societal attitudes and raise awareness about the harmful effects of gender discrimination and stereotypes.
  • Reservation Policies: India has implemented reservation policies in various sectors, such as politics and education, to increase the representation of women and marginalized groups. These policies aim to provide more opportunities for women to participate in decision-making processes.
  • Health and Reproductive Rights: Initiatives have been undertaken to improve women's access to healthcare and reproductive rights. Programs focus on maternal health, family planning, and addressing gender-based health disparities.
  • Digital Initiatives: The government has launched digital initiatives to empower women, such as the "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao" (Save the Daughter, Educate the Daughter) campaign. These initiatives use technology to disseminate information and promote awareness about gender-related issues.
  • Legal Aid and Support: Legal aid services have been established to assist women who face discrimination or violence. These services help women access justice and navigate legal processes.
  • Gender Budgeting: The concept of gender budgeting is being increasingly integrated into government policies. This approach ensures that budgets take into account the different needs and impacts of men and women, promoting gender-responsive policies.

Eliminating gender stereotypes in India faces several challenges

  • Deep-rooted Beliefs: Cultural norms and beliefs that have been passed down through generations can be deeply ingrained in society. Challenging these long-standing norms requires a significant cultural shift, which can be slow and met with resistance.
  • Lack of Access: Many individuals, especially in rural or marginalized communities, still lack access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. This lack of access can reinforce traditional gender roles and limit the ability to challenge stereotypes effectively.
  • Media Influence: The media plays a powerful role in shaping societal attitudes and perceptions. If the media continues to portray narrow and stereotypical gender roles, it can undermine efforts to challenge those stereotypes through other means.
  • Resistance to Change: Traditional mindsets and conservative values can resist efforts to change established gender norms. Some individuals may perceive gender equality initiatives as threatening to their cultural or religious values, leading to pushback against change.
  • Structural Inequality: Structural inequalities in society, such as unequal distribution of resources and opportunities between genders, can make it challenging to break free from traditional roles and stereotypes.
  • Lack of Role Models: Limited representation of diverse gender roles and identities in positions of influence and leadership can make it difficult for individuals to envision alternative paths beyond traditional stereotypes.
  • Intersectionality: The intersection of gender with other factors like caste, class, and religion adds complexity to the challenge. Discrimination and stereotypes can be compounded for individuals who face multiple forms of marginalization.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: When implementing gender equality initiatives, it's important to consider cultural nuances and sensitivities. Approaches that are not culturally appropriate might face backlash and resistance.
  • Changing Mindsets: Changing attitudes and mindsets requires a combination of education, awareness campaigns, and dialogues that challenge deep-seated biases and promote more inclusive perspectives.
  • Legislative Gaps: While legal frameworks exist, enforcing gender equality laws can be a challenge. Implementation gaps, lack of awareness about rights, and inefficiencies in the legal system can hinder progress.

Way Forward

  • Comprehensive Education: Revising educational curricula to challenge gender stereotypes and promote gender equality from an early age is crucial. Schools can play a pivotal role in shaping young minds and instilling values of respect, equality, and inclusion.
  • Media Representation: Encouraging the media to portray diverse and realistic gender roles and stories can help shape more accurate perceptions of individuals and their capabilities. Balanced and inclusive media representation can challenge stereotypes and expand people's understanding of gender diversity.
  • Empowerment Programs: Implementing targeted empowerment programs for women that focus on economic, social, and political empowerment can help break down barriers and provide women with the tools they need to participate fully in society.
  • Legal Reforms: Strengthening and enforcing laws against gender-based discrimination and violence is essential. Effective legal frameworks provide a safety net for individuals facing discrimination and harassment, and they also send a strong message that such behaviours will not be tolerated.
  • Community Engagement: Involving communities in awareness campaigns, discussions, and workshops on gender equality can create a bottom-up movement for change. Engaging with local communities ensures that efforts are contextually relevant and have grassroots support.
  • Role Models: Highlighting stories of individuals who have successfully broken gender stereotypes can inspire others to challenge societal norms and pursue their aspirations without limitations.
  • Men's Involvement: Engaging men and boys in discussions about dismantling stereotypes and promoting gender equality is crucial. Men can play a vital role in challenging and changing harmful attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate gender discrimination.


  • In the journey to eradicate gender stereotypes in India, a comprehensive strategy encompassing education, media, policy transformations, and societal adjustments is imperative. While the road to change may be marked by gradual progress, the unwavering commitment to sustained efforts holds the potential to mould a society characterized by equity and inclusiveness. This concerted approach strives to break down the barriers that have historically constrained individuals according to their gender, fostering an environment where aspirations and potential know no bounds. Through collective dedication, India can pave the way for a future where everyone can thrive regardless of traditional expectations.

Must-Read Articles:

GENDER GAP: https://www.iasgyan.in/daily-current-affairs/gender-gap


Q. How can India proactively tackle and eradicate gender stereotypes? What is the significance of this endeavour for societal progress and individual well-being? What challenges must be confronted in the process? What strategies can India implement to pave a successful path forward in promoting a more equitable and stereotype-free society?


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