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In News: “Integrated policy agenda for a human–centred recovery that is inclusive, sustainable and resilient” is the theme of the 17th Asia and the Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
- In his report on the theme, ILO Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo has called for strengthening tripartism and social dialogue to address issues in employment in the region.
- Houngbo also pitched for strong and effective gender-responsive policies and institutions of work that are oriented towards a human-centred recovery after the pandemic and the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
- He asked governments in the region to increase investments in social justice for the achievement of decent job-rich growth, universal social protection, respect for rights at work and inclusive social dialogue.
- Houngbo said in his report that “the Russian aggression” against Ukraine has led to “major new disruptions to energy and food supply chains as well as inflation, with impacts that are filtering down to the Asia and the Pacific and the Arab States regions, adversely impacting the prospects for labour market recovery.”
- The report added that in the absence of effective institutionalised support, households relied on limited savings to meet basic needs or went into debt.
- In times marked by economic, social and environmental crises, he said governments and social partners must not miss the opportunity to join forces and channel investments towards a human-centred recovery, while “gradually removing longer-term structural barriers to decent work and inclusive growth”.
About ILO:
- It was created in 1919, as part of the Treaty of Versaillesthat ended World War I, to reflect the belief that universal and lasting peace can be accomplished only if it is based on social justice.
- The Organization has played a roleat key historical junctures – the Great Depression, decolonization, the creation of Solidarność in Poland, the victory over apartheid in South Africa – and today in the building of an ethical and productive framework for fair globalization.
- The driving forcesfor the ILO's creation arose from security, humanitarian, political and economic considerations.
- It is the only tripartite U.N. agency. It brings together governments, employers and workersof 187 member States, to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for all women and men. Its headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.