IAS Gyan

Daily News Analysis


25th August, 2023 International Relations

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  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping are agreeing to intensify efforts for expeditious disengagement and de-escalation along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh.

COMPLETE DETAILS ON INDIA-CHINA BORDER DISPUTE: https://www.iasgyan.in/blogs/india-china-border-dispute-decoded

FRICTION POINTS ALONG LINES OF ACTUAL CONTROL(LAC): https://www.iasgyan.in/daily-current-affairs/friction-points-along-lines-of-actual-controllac


Q. Violation of existing agreements by the Chinese side has "eroded the entire basis of bilateral relations, between India and China. All border issues between the two countries need to be resolved per existing bilateral agreements and commitments as the development of relations between India and China is premised on the prevalence of peace and tranquility at the borders. Discuss.