Tamil Nadu CM has announced a $1 million prize for deciphering the Indus Valley script, a long-standing mystery. The script, used between 3500-1300 BCE, is found on seals, pottery, and tools. Recent studies suggest cultural links between the Indus Valley and Tamil Nadu, urging further research and archaeological exploration.
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Tamil Nadu CM has announced a $1 million prize for deciphering the Indus Valley Civilization script, a mystery since its discovery by Sir John Marshall over a century ago. The civilization thrived in the Indus Valley between c. 3300 and 1300 BCE.
It is also known as the Harappan script, it is a collection of symbols created by the Indus Valley Civilization. It is one of the oldest writing systems in the Indian subcontinent.
Aspect |
Details |
Script |
Boustrophedon (written right to left in one line, left to right in the next line). |
Time Period |
Used from about 2,500 BC to about 1,900 BC. |
Language |
Unknown; may represent Dravidian, Mundari, Indo-Aryan, Sino-Tibetan, and Neolithic “Language X”. |
Symbols |
Approximately 400 symbols known. |
Found On |
Pottery, seals, bronze and copper tables, bronze tools, bones, clay tablets. |
Development |
Early incised pottery marks, geometric button seals, animal motifs with signs above them. |
Purpose |
Likely used for commercial purposes; seals as tax stamps, tablets for permits for tax collection, craft making, or trading. |
A study documented over 15,000 graffiti-bearing pot shards from 140 Tamil Nadu sites and compared them to 4,000 Indus Valley artefacts.
Key findings include
Significance of similarities
The study, focused on key Tamil Nadu sites like Keeladi, Sivagalai, and Thulukarpatti, suggests:
Evidence of cultural contact between the Indus Valley (Copper Age) and Tamil Nadu (Iron Age).
Possibility of direct or intermediary cultural exchanges, warranting further material evidence.
The integration of archaeological findings into political narratives highlights a broader effort to recast Indian history from a Dravidian perspective.
PRACTICE QUESTION Q.Despite being one of the earliest known writing systems, the Indus script remains undeciphered. Discuss the challenges in deciphering the Harappan writing system and the impact of its decipherment on our understanding of the Indus Valley Civilization. (250 words) |
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