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Context: Kachchhi Kharek, an indigenous date of Kutch, becomes the second fruit from Gujarat to receive a GI tag from the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDT) of India.
Key Highlights
Geographical Indication (GI) Tag
- A GI tag is a form of intellectual property that identifies a product as originating from a specific geographic location, with qualities, reputation, or characteristics attributable to that origin.
- It helps protect and promote products associated with a particular region, ensuring their uniqueness and preventing unauthorized use of the name.

Kachchhi Kharek and GI Tag
- Kachchhi Kharek is an indigenous variety of dates from the Kutch region in Gujarat. The Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDT) of India awarded a GI tag to Kachchhi Kharek, making it the second fruit from Gujarat to receive such recognition.
- Dates in Kachchh are believed to have a history of 400-500 years. It is suggested that date palm groves in the region developed from seeds brought by settlers who visited the Middle East for Haj and trade.
- Gir Kesar mango and Bhalia wheat are other products from Gujarat that have received GI tags.

Characteristics of Kachchhi Kharek
- The seedling-origin palms in Kutch represent a vast range of diversity in characteristics, including colours, sizes, shapes, and tastes of the dates.
- Dates in Kutch are harvested at the khalal stage, characterized by matured fruits with accumulated sucrose, red or yellow colour, and crisp texture.
- Kachchh is considered the only place globally where fresh dates are economically cultivated, marketed, and consumed.
- According to the Gujarat government, 94% of the state's total date palm cultivation area is in Kutch, covering 19,251 hectares.
- Date palms in Kutch flower in January-February, and fresh dates (kharek) are harvested in June-July. The region's southwest monsoon reaches later than other parts of Gujarat.

- The GI tag for Kachchhi Kharek is a significant development for the farmers of Kutch, providing recognition to their indigenous date variety and opening up opportunities for marketing and branding. It also adds to the list of products from Gujarat with geographical indications, emphasizing the unique cultural and agricultural heritage of the region.
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GI TAGS LIST UPDATED:,%2C%20industrial%2C%20or%20food%20products.
Q. Why are Kachchhi Kharek dates in the news?
(A) They have been awarded a Geographical Indication (GI) tag.
(B) They have been found to be contaminated with pesticides.
(C) They have been declared a protected species.
(D) They have been banned from import into the United States.
Answer: A
Kachchhi Kharek dates have been awarded a Geographical Indication (GI) tag. This means that they are legally protected from imitation and can only be produced in the designated geographical region of Kutch in Gujarat, India.