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Context: The Kashmir bat industry, centred around bats made from Kashmir willow, has gained significant attention in recent years, both nationally and internationally.
About Kashmir Bat Industry
Willow Tree ●The term "willow" refers to a genus of plants known as Salix, belonging to the family Salicaceae. ●Willows are predominantly found in the northern temperate regions and are valued for various purposes including ornamentation, erosion control, shade provision, and timber production. ● Willows encompass a wide variety of species, ranging from large trees to shrubs. Some of the notable species include:
●Willows are adaptable to various climates, often found near water bodies or in wetland areas. ●Most willows have narrow, elongated leaves and produce catkins (flowering spikes), with male and female flowers on separate trees (dioecious). The seeds of willows are equipped with long, silky hairs that aid in dispersal by wind. |
Challenges Faced by the Industry
Smuggling of Willow Clefts
Depletion of Willow Trees
Infrastructure and Technological Constraints
Government Intervention ●Manufacturers have urged the government to enforce stricter measures against willow cleft smuggling and to initiate a comprehensive willow plantation program. ●The revival or establishment of modern seasoning plants is also advocated to streamline the drying process and improve product quality. |
Way Forward
PRACTICE QUESTION Q. Large-scale global demand for wood products creates pressure on forests. How can sustainable forest management practices be implemented at a global scale, ensuring both responsible resource allocation and meeting local needs for firewood, construction materials, and non-timber forest products? |
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