The Kuka Rebellion, led by the Namdhari sect (Kukas) under Satguru Ram Singh, was a major anti-British movement in Punjab in 1872. It combined religious reforms, opposition to British rule, and protests against cow slaughter. The rebellion ended in mass executions, with leaders exiled to Burma, but left a lasting legacy of resistance and martyrdom.
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Punjab Chief Minister paid tribute at a function organised at the Namdhari Shaheed Smarak in Malerkotla to mark the Kuka martyrs’ day.
Aspect |
Details |
What is it |
The Kuka movement was the first major reaction in Punjab against the British political order established after 1849. The Kuka Rebellion was an anti-British rebellion led by the Namdhari sect (Kukas) in Punjab, combining religious reform with resistance to colonial rule. |
Peak of Rebellion |
January 1872, with major clashes at Malerkotla and Malaudh Fort. |
Leaders |
Spearheaded by Satguru Ram Singh, founder of the Namdhari sect, along with leaders like Kuka Hira Singh and Lehna Singh. |
Reasons for Movement |
Religious Reform: Opposition to social vices like meat consumption, alcohol, and foreign goods. Colonial Oppression: Dissatisfaction with British rule and native collaborators. Cow Slaughter: Protests against cow slaughter. |
Events During Movement |
Attack on Malerkotla: (January 13, 1872) Kukas clashed with officials after a cow slaughter incident. Attack on Malaudh Fort: (January 15, 1872) Kukas attacked the fort but faced strong resistance. |
Mass Executions |
49 Kukas executed on January 17, 1872; 17 more were blown up on January 18, 1872, after surrendering. |
Suppression |
British forces, led by John Lambert Cowan, acted with extreme brutality. Thousands were forced to witness the executions as a deterrent. |
PRACTICE QUESTION Q.Discuss the causes, key events and significance of the Kuka Rebellion in the context of India's freedom struggle. How did it impact the socio-political landscape of Punjab during the British colonial period? (150 words) |
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