Chhava is an upcoming Bollywood film based on the life of Maratha ruler Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, highlighting his valor and struggles. The controversy in Maharashtra arose after a scene from the trailer involved the Lezim dance, a traditional folk dance of Maharashtra, known for its rigorous physical movements and accompaniment by the Lezim instrument.
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A scene from the trailer of the upcoming Bollywood film Chhava, based on the life of Maratha ruler Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, has led to controversy in Maharashtra.
Aspect |
Details |
Dance Origin |
Folk dance from the state of Maharashtra |
Name Origin |
Named after a musical instrument, a wooden stick with jingling cymbals attached to it |
Dance Characteristics |
Rigorous physical exercise and drill; performed in formations of twos, fours, or sometimes a circle |
Accompaniment |
Mainly Dhol or Dhalgi (small dhol); no winds or string instruments, occasionally accompanied by a song |
Musical Instruments |
Lezim: Wooden stick with jingling cymbals carried by dancers |
Dholki: Drum instrument used as the main percussion music |
Traditional Instrument Use |
Lezim was traditionally used in all folk dances, but now primarily used in Ganesha processions |
Aspect |
Details |
Birth |
Born in 1627 at Shivneri Fort, near Junnar, Pune district, Maharashtra |
Key Influences on Shivaji |
Mother: Jija Bai, Teacher: Dadaji Kondadev, Spiritual Preceptor: Samartha Ramadas |
Territories Conquered |
Kondana (built Rayagarh fort), Torna, Javli (built Pratapgarh fort), Kalyan |
Battle of Pratapgad (1659) |
Fought between Shivaji and Afzal Khan of Bijapur, leading to Afzal Khan's death. |
Key Characteristics |
The secular approach, treated all religions with respect. |
Battles Fought |
1. Battle of Pratapgad (1659) - Against Afzal Khan |
Conflicts with Mughal Empire |
Attacked Ahmadnagar (1657), Fought against Shaista Khan (1663), Plundered Surat (1664) |
Treaty of Purandar (1665) |
Shivaji surrendered 23 out of 35 forts to Mughals, Shivaji’s son Shambhaji appointed as Mughal mansabdar, Shivaji had to visit Aurangzeb’s court |
Imprisonment and Escape |
Imprisoned in Agra Fort (1666) after humiliation in the Mughal court. Escaped and plundered Surat again (1670). |
Coronation |
Crowned in 1674 as Chhatrapati and moved capital from Pune to Raigarh |
Titles Taken |
Kshatriya of Sisodia Clan, Gobrahmana Pratipalaka, Haindava Dharmoddaraka, Hind Padpadshahi, Dharmaparayana |
Conquests (1676) |
Conquered Gingee, Vellore, and Ballari regions with the help of Abul Hasan Tanashah of Golkonda |
Death |
Died in 1680 at Raigad |
PRACTICE QUESTION Q.Discuss the cultural contributions of the Maratha Empire, highlighting its influence on art, architecture, administration, and religious tolerance. How did the Maratha Empire foster a distinct cultural identity in India? (250 words) |
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