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Picture Courtesy: Indian Express
Context: The Loch Ness monster, affectionately called Nessie, is a creature from Scottish folklore believed to inhabit Loch Ness, a lake in the Scottish Highlands.
Key Highlights
- Nessie has intrigued people for years, attracting numerous monster hunters, reported sightings, and becoming a symbol in pop culture.
- Despite the attention, definitive proof of Nessie's existence remains elusive, often due to famous "findings" turning out to be hoaxes.
- Historical Origins and Early Sightings: Saint Columba's biography, dating back to the 6th century, mentions Nessie's first recorded appearance. Columba's intervention with the sign of the cross repelled the "water beast."
- Loch Ness became intertwined with Scottish folklore over the centuries, with early depictions portraying Nessie as resembling a bear rather than a modern dinosaur.
- Rise to Global Fame: In the 20th century, Nessie's legend grew substantially, defying the usual fading of myths. Numerous sightings were reported, and the phenomenon continued to gain momentum.
- Investigations and Disputes: Large-scale investigations, including underwater cameras and sonar equipment, failed to yield evidence in 1976, 1987, and 2003. Tourist experiments by the BBC involved raising a structure underwater, leading onlookers to perceive "monster-shaped heads."
- A 2018 DNA survey found no evidence of large animals in Loch Ness, suggesting that Nessie sightings might be attributed to giant eels.
- Ongoing Fascination and Tourism Boost: Despite scepticism and lack of conclusive evidence, Nessie's legend persists due to speculation and captivating stories. The tourism industry benefits from Nessie's fame, with hotels experiencing increased bookings during searches and discussions about the monster.
- Current Search and Research: Loch Ness Exploration, a volunteer research group, is leading a new search using heat-detecting drones and a hydrophone. This search, the largest since 1972, aims to identify "unusual" movements in the lake. The use of innovative technology creates an unprecedented opportunity to explore the lake.
The legend of the Loch Ness monster remains a captivating and enduring mystery, combining history, folklore, scientific exploration, and economic factors.
Q. The term “ Nessie” is frequently seen in the news, it is related with:
A) Malware
B) New virus discovered in Antarctica
C) An Ancient Monster
D) New Defence system
Answer: C