The Mannan community, primarily found in Idukki district, Kerala, follows a matrilineal system of descent. With roots traced to Tamil Nadu, they practice agriculture, including coconut farming and herbal collection. Their unique cultural practices include festivals like Kalavoot and art forms like Mannankoothu, reflecting their rich traditions and close connection to nature.
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Raman Rajamannan, the king of the Mannan community and the only tribal king in Kerala, will participate in the Republic Day parade in Delhi.
Aspect |
Details |
Location |
Predominantly in Idukki district, Kerala (97% of the population resides here). |
Cultural Origin |
Believed to have originated from Tamil Nadu and migrated during the period of Poonjar Kings. |
Language |
Dialect similar to Tamil (without a script). |
Lifestyle |
Initially lived in remote forests; later migrated to government-allocated land on the fringes of Periyar Tiger Reserve due to a deforestation ban in the protected area. |
Cultural Connection |
Closely related to Tamil culture. |
System of Descent |
Matrilineal system of descent. |
Ruler |
Raja Mannan, elected by community representatives capable of inheritance. |
Religion |
Hinduism |
Primary Occupation |
Agriculture, including harvesting coconuts, herbs, etc. |
Festivals |
Kalavoot, Meenoot, and Mutthiamman Festival. |
Art Form |
Mannankoothu is a unique ritual art performed during worship, harvest, and weddings. |
Tribe |
Location |
Key Features |
Kurumba |
Attappadi hills, Palakkad |
Known for their expertise in herbal medicine, art, and craft. |
Irula |
Palakkad and Idukki |
Primarily engaged in agriculture, honey collection, and traditional healing. |
Paniya |
Wayanad and Kozhikode |
The largest tribal group in Kerala; traditionally worked as agricultural laborers. |
Kattunayakan |
Wayanad and Malappuram |
Expert honey collectors and forest dwellers; worship nature and ancestral spirits. |
Adiyan |
Wayanad |
Traditionally bonded laborers; are now involved in agriculture and related activities. |
Muthuvan |
Idukki and Wayanad |
Known for their role as protectors of the forest; preserve traditional practices. |
Malayarayan |
Idukki and Pathanamthitta |
Primarily agriculturists; have a strong tradition of nature worship. |
Uraly |
Idukki |
Known for their unique customs and rituals; mainly involved in agriculture. |
Kanikaran (Kanikkar) |
Thiruvananthapuram and Kollam |
One of the oldest tribes in Kerala; practice shifting cultivation and basket weaving. |
Malapandaram |
Pathanamthitta |
Nomadic tribes engaged in gathering forest produce and hunting. |
Malavedan |
Kollam and Idukki |
Forest-dependent tribe with a strong oral tradition of folklore and songs. |
Aranadan |
Malappuram |
Nomadic tribes are known for their traditional hunting and food-gathering lifestyle. |
PRACTICE QUESTION Q. Consider the following statements about the Mannan Community:
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Answer: D Explanation: Statement 1 is correct: The Mannan community predominantly resides in Idukki district, Kerala, with around 97% of their population in this area. Statement 2 is correct: The Mannans are believed to have originated from Tamil Nadu and migrated during the period of the Poonjar Kings. Statement 3 is incorrect: The Mannans follow a matrilineal system of descent, not a patrilineal system, and the ruler, Raja Mannan, is elected by community representatives, not hereditary. Statement 4 is correct: Agriculture, including the harvesting of coconuts and herbs, is their primary occupation. |
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