Last Updated on 19th June, 2023
3 minutes, 50 seconds


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  • In this episode of ‘Mann ki baat’ he talked about Miyawaki plantation.
  • He discussed the need to create forest in small areas using his type of plantation.
  • Raafi Ramnath, A Kerala teacher, used this method to grow forest on a barren land.

Other Details

  • Miyawaki technique is used by Raafi Ramnath to generate and grow forest on a barren land.
  • A total of 115 varieties of trees were planted which culminated into a forest named Vidyavanam.

Miyawaki Plantation

  • This technique to plant tree is named after a botanist from Japan, Akira Miyawaki.
  • It was developed in the decade of 1970 with an intention of to make a dense green cover in a small area.
  • In this method planting few types of indigenous trees, generally limited to 4, are planted in every square metre.
  • In three years of time such trees grow tall and self-sustain themselves.


  • It starts with Identification of Native/local or Natural Vegetation of the area.
  • Then work starts to prepare and improve the quality of soil for plantation of trees.
  • 3 to 4 Saplings are planted in every square meter.
  • Then the forest is mulched using compost tea and straw.


  • It helps in fighting the negative consequences of climate change.
  • Help to reduce pollution levels in nearby areas by capturing dust and other particles.
  • It increases the green cover of city enable residents to breathe fresh and pure air.
  • It is a cost effective method to grow tree and restore green covere in cities where finding space is a problem. For instance in Mumbai, Delhi etc.
  • Promotion of indigenous variety of trees for instance Bel, Anjan, Arju, Neem, Peepal and Amala, etc.
  • These forests can also sustain wildlife hence these urban forest encourages new bio diversity.
  • Soil fertility is also improved.
  • It also helps in regulation of temperature and carbon levels due to presence of trees.


  • Sometimes no survey is done by people to identify local vegetation of the place.
  • Planting non-native plant species may harm the local ecosystem and hydrology.
  • It can give promotion to the practice of monoculture and hence may threaten bio diversity.
  • No proper study and findings about the impact of such forests on groundwater, native biodiversity, and amount of carbon sequestration.
  • Sometimes these are considered artificial forest.


It is a technique to conserve soil. The ground between two plants is not left bare in this technique. It is covered with organic matter layer to improve soil moisture. For instance organic matter could be straw.


Explain the Miyawaki plantation technique and process. It helps in conserving biodiversity of a place and could be a solution to the rising pollution in big cities like Mumbai. Critically analyse (150 words)


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