Last Updated on 5th March, 2025
4 minutes, 53 seconds


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Context :

  • On 26 February 2025, 45 day Maha Kumbh festival concluded in Prayagraj. It  attracted 66 crore visitors according to government data.
  • As part of the cleanliness initiative, the Uttar Pradesh government adopted the Miyawaki method of afforestation.
  • This technique is from Japan. It  was used to create oxygen banks & repopulate urban forests in the city.

Do you know ?

56,000 square meters of land in Prayagraj was covered with Miyawaki forests as part of the Kumbh festival green initiatives.

The types of trees planted in Prayagraj were mango, mahua, neem, peepal, tamarind, arjuna, teak, tulsi, amla, & ber.

These trees were chosen for their indigenous nature & ability to sustain in the local climate.

What is the Miyawaki Technique?

  • The Miyawaki Technique was developed by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki in the 1970s.
  • Purpose: It was designed to restore native forests destroyed by urban development in Japan.
  • Miyawaki drew inspiration from Japan's sacred shrine forests, called chinju no mori which were traditionally developed around Shinto shrines.
  • The technique focuses on planting native trees in dense clusters to create a forestlike environment.
  • The goal is to create and copy a natural ecosystem.

How Does the Miyawaki Technique Work?

  • Planting Dense Forests: a number of native plants & saplings are planted in a small area. This is to create a mini forest.
  • High Plant Density: 3-5 plants per square meter are planted.
  • Plants compete for sunlight and This encourages them for rapid growth.
  • Native Species:To resemble a natural forest, a mix of native plant species are planted randomly not in rows.
  • Faster growth: This technique grows faster.
  • These mini forests mature within 3 years, while natural forests take decades.

Benefits of Miyawaki Forests

  • Urban locations: This method is useful in urban areas where space is limited.
  • Carbon absorption: Dense green cover can help to absorb carbon emissions. It leads to cleaner air.
  • Temperature regulation: Trees help to regulate local temperatures through transpiration. This can reduce the heat island effect caused by concrete & construction in cities.
  • Low maintenance: After the initial growth period, plants require minimal maintenance.
  • They are self sufficient and they do not need regular watering or fertilizing.
  • Increased biodiversity: A dense forest environment supports local flora & fauna.

Challenges and Criticism

  • Miyawaki forests can be expensive to set up & require a lot of manpower initially.
  • This technique is suited only for small, urban spaces.
  • Miyawaki forests are not a complete solution to problems such as deforestation or depletion of natural resources.
  • They can be effective only if they are part of urban planning, resource use, & waste management.
  • Focusing only on mini forests without addressing larger environmental issues may have limited impact.

Source: IE


Q. The 'Miyawaki method' is well known for the:

a)  Promotion of commercial farming in arid and semi-arid areas

b)  Development of gardens using genetically modified flora

c)  Creation of mini forests in urban areas

d)  Harvesting wind energy on coastal areas and on sea surfaces

Answer: c


The Miyawaki method is a forest restoration technique developed by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki. It focuses on creating dense, native, miniature forests in urban areas, even in small spaces. The method involves planting different species of native plants close to each other to mimic a natural forest ecosystem. These forests grow rapidly and are highly effective in providing ecological benefits such as improving biodiversity, absorbing carbon dioxide, and cooling urban areas. This method is widely used for afforestation in cities and urban spaces.

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