Government has launched the national single window system.
It will have solutions for all at one click of the mouse through ‘End to End’ facilitation .
It will bring Transparency, Accountability & Responsiveness in the ecosystem
all information will be available on a single dashboard.
Foreign & Indian Investors, Businesses and Start ups will benefit from the initiative.
It will usher in Azadi from legacy of running to Govt. offices for approvals and registrations
Included Services:
Know Your Approval (KYA) Service: an intelligent information wizard that generates a list of approvals required by any business to commence operations.
Common Registration Form: To ensure a single point of submission of information and documents across Ministries and States, a unified information capturing system along with a common registration form has been introduced.
State registration form: Enables investor to have seamless single click access to respective State Single Window System.
Applicant dashboard: Provides a single online interface to apply, track and respond to the queries pertaining to approvals and registrations across ministries and States.
Document repository: An online centralized storage service for investors to enable one-time document submission and use the same across multiple approvals. This eliminates the need to submit documents at multiple portals.
E-Communication module: Enables online response to queries and clarification requests related to applications by Ministries and States.