Out of an allocation Rs.6212.85 crore (including Rs. 500 crore allocated to Ministry of Women and Child Development in the year Financial Year 2021-22) till date, underNirbhaya Fund, a sum of Rs. 4087.37 crore has been disbursed/ released .
About the Fund:
The Government has set up a dedicated fund Nirbhaya Fund, which can be utilized for projects specifically designed to improve the safety and security of women.
It is a non-lapsable corpus fund, being administered by Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance.
As per the guidelines, the responsibility of Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) includes
(i) nodal Ministry to appraise/ recommend proposals and schemes to be funded under Nirbhaya Fund
(ii) to review and monitor the progress of sanctioned schemes/ projects in conjunction with the line Ministries/Departments.