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Context: In just six weeks after the release, at least three of the ten individuals of the Northern River Terrapin have travelled hundreds of kilometers and are now in Bangladesh.
The Northern River Terrapin:
- It is a freshwater turtle.
- Common Names: Batagur, Common Batagur, Four-toed Terrapin, River Terrapin
- Conservation Status:
- IUCN : Critically Endangered
- IWPA : Schedule I
- CITES : Appendix I
- Habitat and distribution: It is found in India and Bangladesh (Sundarbans), Myanmar, Malaysia (peninsular), Indonesia (Sumatra), Thailand, and Cambodia.
- Characteristics, Habitat and Behaviour: The species has an upturned snout. It lives in coastal mangrove estuaries and creeks, but ventures far upstream during the breeding season. An omnivore, it feeds on waterside plants and small animals such as clams.
- Major Threats:
- Hunting and harvesting of eggs.
- Pollution and loss of habitat including nesting beaches, mangrove forest and other food sources.
- Incidental drowning by getting trapped in fishing nets and traps, accidental death resulting from power boats.
- Destructive fishing practices, siltation and sedimentation due to watershed activities such as logging.
- Government is running conservation breeding programme of this species.