Last Updated on 23rd July, 2021
2 minutes, 41 seconds


GS 2- Parliament


The proceedings of both Houses of Parliament continued to remain paralysed as Opposition members staged protests over a number of issues as the monsoon session had begun.


  • The president from time to time summons each House of Parliament to meet.
  • The maximum gap between two sessions of Parliament cannot be more than six months. In other words, the Parliament should meet at least twice a year.
  • There are usually three sessions in a year A. The Budget Session (February to May) B.
  • The Monsoon Session (July to September) C. The Winter Session (November to December).
  • A ‘session’ of Parliament is the period spanning between the first sitting of a House and its prorogation (or dissolution in the case of the Lok Sabha).
  • During a session, the House meets everyday to transact business.
  • The period spanning between the prorogation of a House and its reassembly in a new session is called ‘recess’.


  • An adjournment suspends the work in a sitting for a specified time, which may be hours, days or weeks.

Adjournment -Sine die

  • Adjournment sine die means terminating a sitting of Parliament for an indefinite period. In other words, when the House is adjourned without naming a day for reassembly, it is called adjournment sine die.
  • The power to call for Adjournment sine de lies with the presiding officer.


  • The presiding officer (Speaker or Chairman) declares the House adjourned sine die, when the business of a session is completed.
  • Within the next few days, the President issues a notification for prorogation of the session.
  • It not only terminates a sitting but also a session of the House.


  • Only the Lok Sabha is subject to dissolution.
  • As Rajya Sabha, being a permanent House, is not subject to dissolution.
  • Unlike a prorogation, a dissolution ends the very life of the existing House, and a new House is constituted after general elections are held.

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