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Context: Severe problem faced by cotton farmers in Rajasthan and neighbouring regions due to the infestation of the Pink Bollworm (PBW).
Key Highlights
Pink Bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) ●It is one of the most destructive pests of cotton, causing significant economic losses to cotton growers worldwide. ●Originally native to India, the Pink Bollworm has now spread to nearly all cotton-growing countries across the globe. ●The adult Pink Bollworm moths are relatively small, measuring about 3/8 inch in length. They are dark brown in colour and have distinctive markings on their forewings. ●Pink Bollworms pose a significant threat to cotton crops. While adult moths have a relatively short lifespan of only two weeks, females can lay a substantial number of eggs, often exceeding 200 or more. ●Adult females lay their eggs directly on cotton bolls. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae emerge and feed on the cotton seeds and fibres within the boll. This feeding damage reduces both the yield and the quality of the cotton. ●As the Pink Bollworm larvae mature, they cut out the cotton boll from the plant and fall to the ground. They then create a cocoon near the soil surface to pupate. ●While cotton is their primary host, Pink Bollworms have been observed attacking other plants such as hibiscus, okra, and hollyhock. However, their economic significance primarily lies in their impact on cotton crops. ●Efforts to control the Pink Bollworm typically involve integrated pest management strategies, including the use of insecticides, planting Bt cotton varieties (genetically modified to resist the pest), and implementing cultural and biological control measures. Controlling the Pink Bollworm is crucial for maintaining cotton production and ensuring the livelihoods of cotton farmers worldwide. |
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