IAS Gyan

Daily News Analysis

PM SVANidhi Scheme

5th October, 2023 Polity

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Picture Courtesy: www.india.gov.in

Context: The Prime Minister of India has congratulated the 50 lakh beneficiaries of the PMSVANidhi Scheme, a special micro-credit facility for street vendors.


  • The Prime Minister emphasized that PMSVANidhi has not only simplified the lives of street vendors but has also empowered them to live with dignity. He said that the scheme reflects the government's commitment to support the informal sector and provide them with social security and financial inclusion.

Must Read Articles:

PM SVANidhi: https://www.iasgyan.in/daily-current-affairs/pm-svanidhi

PM SVANidhi: https://www.iasgyan.in/daily-current-affairs/pm-svanidhi-scheme-2


Q. What are the key objectives and benefits of the PMSVANidhi scheme, and how has it contributed to the empowerment of street vendors in India?