Last Updated on 16th February, 2023
1 minute, 49 seconds


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With delayed winter and poor upkeep, there has been decline in the number of migratory bird species from North Asia and Central Asia at the Saman Bird sanctuary in Mainpuri, designated as a protected Ramsar site since 2019, this year.



  • Spread in an area of 500 hectare, the Saman Bird Sanctuary is a unique sanctuary located in the Mainpuri district
  • It includes several smaller wetlands - ideal habitat for water birds.
  • It's one among 467 IBA Sites in the country (Important Bird & Biodiversity Area) designated by the Birdlife International having rich birdlife diversity and also is an important wintering site for many migrants.
  • The Saman Bird Sanctuary in the Mainpuri district of Uttar Pradesh is a seasonal oxbow lake on the Ganges floodplain.
  • It is heavily reliant on the arrival of the south-westerly monsoon in July and August, which provides the vast majority of annual rainfall.


  • The Sanctuary regularly provides refuge to over 50,000 waterbirds (187 bird species have been recorded) and is particularly important as a wintering site for many migrants including the greylag goose (Anser anser), with over 1% of the South Asian population present during winter.
  • Vulnerable species including sarus crane (Grus antigone) and greater spotted eagle (Aquila clanga) are also found.

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