Context: After PM Modi’s response on being gifted a Ganesha made by Brindaban Chanda, the revival began of an art form that was nearly dead due to the lack of artists and patronage.
Shellac art
It is a dying technique of applying shellac on terracotta.
Around 1500 A D. the shellac art form entered Bengal from western part of India with the encouragement of Raja Mann Singh.
Initially, the shellac artisans of Bengal used to cover the terracotta bangles with shellac and sell them at rural fairs. Later, they shifted to covering terracotta dolls with shellac.
The making of terracotta dolls in a form almost similar to that of 'Mother God' form found in Harappan ruins is also a traditional art of Bengal.
This craft can be seen in Birbhum, Bankura and Midnapore districts though only a few craftsmen practice it nowadays.
Shellac is a resin secreted by the female lac bug found on trees.
After processing, it is mixed with colours and then applied on baked and dried terracotta figures.
In Bengal, shellac is called 'gala' and the painted dolls (or 'putul' in Bengali) are known as 'galar putul'.