Political parties accuse each other of manipulating electoral rolls before the Delhi Assembly elections, reviving debate on linking voter IDs/EPICs with Aadhaar numbers. The National Electoral Rolls Purification and Authentication Program (NERPAP) was launched in 2015 to address duplicate entries. The Supreme Court's Puttaswamy case (2018) upheld the Aadhaar Act's constitutional validity.
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Picture Courtesy: THE HINDU
Political parties accuse each other of manipulating electoral rolls before the Delhi Assembly elections, reviving the debate on linking voter IDs/EPICs with Aadhaar numbers.
The NERPAP was launched by the Election Commission in February 2015 to address issues related to duplicate entries in the electoral roll.
The program aimed to authenticate voter data by linking the Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC) with Aadhaar numbers to remove duplicate entries and ensure a cleaner and more accurate electoral roll.
Existing voters can link their EPIC with Aadhaar using Form 6B, which is available for those already included in the electoral roll. This form is used for the purpose of authentication.
If a voter cannot provide their Aadhaar number, they can submit alternative documents such as a PAN card, passport, or bank passbook, but only if they are unable to furnish an Aadhaar due to a valid reason.
In the Puttaswamy case (2018), the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of the Aadhaar Act. However, it placed restrictions on the use of Aadhaar for non-welfare purposes, such as linking it to voter IDs.
The judgment made it clear that while Aadhaar is valid for welfare schemes, its mandatory use for voter identification was restricted, prompting the Election Commission to seek amendments to the Representation of the People Act, 1950.
The History of the proposal to link voter IDs to Aadhaar started with the NERPAP in 2015. Initially, the EC linked more than 300 million voters to Aadhaar. However, after a Supreme Court order, the exercise was discontinued due to concerns about the mandatory use of Aadhaar.
In 2021, the Parliament amended the Representation of the People Act (1950) to allow voluntary Aadhaar linkage for voter IDs.
The right to vote is a fundamental constitutional right and must be protected. The linking of Aadhaar with voter IDs should be done with transparency, and ensure that voters understand its benefits, especially in cleaning up the electoral rolls.
The Election Commission must clarify that linking Aadhaar is voluntary and that citizens should not fear a breach of privacy. The forms used for voter registration should be updated without delay to reflect the Supreme Court's position, ensuring that voters are not required to provide Aadhaar unless they choose to.
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