
Disclaimer: Copyright infringement not intended
- Carcass of a leopard was found in Maharajganj district of Uttar Pradesh.
- It was found in the Chuak forest range of Sohagi Barwa wildlife sanctuary.
- The cause of death is still unknown and the dead body is dent for post-mortem.
Sohagi Barwa wildlife sanctuary (WLS)
- This wild life sanctuary is located in Maharajganj district of UP which is spread over 428 km and divided into seven zones.
- These are Pakadi, Laxmipur, North Chowk, South Chowk, Madhwalia, Nichlaul and Sheopur.
- Whole area of this sanctuary is considered as core zone.
- In 1987, it was created from the Old Gorakhpur Forest Division and declared a WLS.
- Mainly Tharu and Mushar tribes live near this sanctuary.
Location and boundary
- In Maharajganj district of UP, 50 km from Gorakhpur.
- In north the WLS has international Indo-Nepal border and in east interstate U.P. – Bihar border.
- Coordinates - between 26° 58’ to 27° 25’ N and 83° 23’ to 84°10’ E.
- It is also recognized as Important Bird Area.

- Average height is 100mtrs above sea level.
- Mostly flat gently sloping from North – West to South –East.
- Gandak, Pyas and Rohin rivers drain this WLS.
- It has many swamps, lakes, ponds and grassland
Flora and Fauna
- It has many species of animals, birds and reptiles.
- Mammals - Leopard, Tiger, Jungle Cat, Small Indian Civet, Toddy cat, Monkey, Squirrels, Barking Deer, Langur, Deer, Blue Bull, Wild boar, Porcupine etc.
- Birds - Little Cormorant, Brahimini Duck, Indian Pied Hornbill, Common Teal, Cattle Egret, White Ibis, Black Ibis, Spoon Bill, Swamp Partridge, Red Jungle Fowl, Blue Rock Pigeon Spotted Dove, King Fisher, Pea fowl etc.
- Reptiles - Python Tortoise, Crocodile, Common Cobra, Common Krait, Rat Snake etc.
- Out of total area of this WLS, Sal forest are found in 75% of the area and rest is other humid areas.
- Ecosystem of this WLS is similar to Terai Ecosystem.
- Upper region –
- Jaamun [Syzigium Cumini], Gutal [Trewia Nudiflora], Semal [Bombax Ceiba], Khair [Acacia Catechu] Trees, etc.
- Lower region –
- Grass lands and patches of Cane forests which experience seasonal flooding and waterlogging.
Must Read Article:
Leopard and their status in India
Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA)
IBA is a programme of Birdlife International to identify, monitor and protect a global network of IBAs. Hence these serve as conservation areas, including wetlands, mudflats, grasslands and scrublands etc., for protection of birds at the global, regional or sub-regional level.
Objectives – Conservation of the world's birds and associated biodiversity.
In India 554 IBAs have been identified by The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) and Birdlife International.

Consider the following statements about Sohagi Barwa wildlife sanctuary:
1. It was declared a wild life sanctuary in the year 1987.
2. This WLS has both international and interstate border.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: (C)