The Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta), known for its laughing call, is a carnivorous mammal found across sub-Saharan Africa. It hunts and scavenges in a matriarchal social structure and is known for its excellent night vision. Despite being often misunderstood, it plays a key role in regulating herbivore populations.
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In a new study, Egyptian researchers have discovered a spotted hyena (Crocutta crocutta), one of Africa’s most abundant carnivores, that appeared in southern Egypt after 5,000 years.
Aspect |
Details |
Common Name |
Also known as Laughing Hyena |
Diet |
Carnivorous; hunts and scavenges. |
Physical Characteristics |
Sandy, yellowish, or gray fur with black/dark brown markings; resembles a dog but is related to cats, civets, and genets. |
Spots are darkest in younger animals and may fade in older ones. |
Females and males look similar, but females are slightly larger. |
Vision and Behavior |
Excellent night vision, mostly nocturnal; hunts at night, sleeps, or stays near the den during the day. |
Social System |
Matriarchal social order in clans of related individuals. |
Habitat |
Open dry habitats, including semi-desert, Savannah, Acacia scrub, and Montane Forest. |
Distribution |
Found throughout sub-Saharan Africa. |
Protection Status |
IUCN: Least Concern |
About Carnivores Carnivores are animals that eat the flesh of other animals. The word "carnivore" comes from Latin and means "meat eater". Types of carnivores
Examples of carnivores:
Role of carnivores in the ecosystem:
PRACTICE QUESTION Q. Consider the following statements regarding the Spotted Hyena:
How many of the above statements is/are correct?
Answer: B Explanation: Statement 1 is correct: Spotted Hyenas are known for their excellent night vision and are primarily nocturnal. Statement 2 is correct: They have a matriarchal social structure, with clans composed of related individuals. Statement 3 is incorrect: Spotted Hyenas are found in open dry habitats like semi-deserts, savannas, and acacia scrub, not dense forests and wetlands. The IUCN status of the Spotted Hyena is "Least Concern." |
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