The Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta), known for its laughing call, is a carnivorous mammal found across sub-Saharan Africa. It hunts and scavenges in a matriarchal social structure and is known for its excellent night vision. Despite being often misunderstood, it plays a key role in regulating herbivore populations.

Last Updated on 25th January, 2025
3 minutes, 19 seconds


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In a new study, Egyptian researchers have discovered a spotted hyena (Crocutta crocutta), one of Africa’s most abundant carnivores, that appeared in southern Egypt after 5,000 years.

About Spotted Hyena



Common Name

Also known as Laughing Hyena


Carnivorous; hunts and scavenges.

Physical Characteristics

Sandy, yellowish, or gray fur with black/dark brown markings; resembles a dog but is related to cats, civets, and genets.

Spots are darkest in younger animals and may fade in older ones.

Females and males look similar, but females are slightly larger.

Vision and Behavior

Excellent night vision, mostly nocturnal; hunts at night, sleeps, or stays near the den during the day.

Social System

Matriarchal social order in clans of related individuals.


Open dry habitats, including semi-desert, Savannah, Acacia scrub, and Montane Forest.


Found throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

Protection Status

IUCN: Least Concern


About Carnivores

Carnivores are animals that eat the flesh of other animals. The word "carnivore" comes from Latin and means "meat eater". 

Types of carnivores 

  • Obligate carnivores: Also known as hypercarnivores, these animals eat at least 70% meat.
  • Hypocarnivores: These animals eat the least amount of meat.
  • Mesocarnivores: These animals eat at least 50% meat.

Examples of carnivores: 

  • Wild cats, such as lions and tigers
  • Snakes
  • Sharks
  • Sea stars
  • Spiders
  • Ladybugs

Role of carnivores in the ecosystem: 

  • Carnivores regulate the herbivore population by hunting.
  • This prevents an oversupply of herbivores and protects vegetation from overgrazing.






Q. Consider the following statements regarding the Spotted Hyena:

  1. The Spotted Hyena is known for its excellent night vision and is primarily nocturnal.
  2. It has a matriarchal social structure, where clans are composed of related individuals.
  3. The species is found across sub-Saharan Africa and prefers dense forests and wetlands as its habitat.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

  1. A) Only one
  2. B) Only two
  3. C) All three
  4. D) None

Answer: B


Statement 1 is correct: Spotted Hyenas are known for their excellent night vision and are primarily nocturnal.

Statement 2 is correct: They have a matriarchal social structure, with clans composed of related individuals.

Statement 3 is incorrect: Spotted Hyenas are found in open dry habitats like semi-deserts, savannas, and acacia scrub, not dense forests and wetlands. The IUCN status of the Spotted Hyena is "Least Concern."

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