The Prime Minister launched the SVAMITVA Scheme in April 2020, distributing over 65 lakh property cards to 50,000 villages. The scheme aims to improve rural India's economic progress by recognizing property rights using advanced drone technology. Challenges include low participation, accessibility, security, resistance from authorities, and potential land conflicts or encroachment.
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Picture Courtesy: Property Adviser
The Prime Minister distributed over 65 lakh property cards to property owners in 50,000 villages via video conferencing under the SVAMITVA Scheme.
The SVAMITVA (Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas) scheme was launched on April 24, 2020.
It aims to enhance the economic progress of rural India by providing legal recognition of property rights to rural households through the use of advanced surveying drone technology.
The main stakeholders involved in the implementation of the SVAMITVA scheme are:
Empowering rural citizens by providing legal recognition of their land rights.
Enabling rural people to use their properties as financial assets for loans and other financial benefits.
Creating accurate land records for better rural planning.
Simplifying property tax resolution for Gram Panchayats and state exchequers.
Reducing property-related disputes and enhancing legal clarity.
Supporting better quality Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDP) through GIS maps.
Many rural residents are unaware of the scheme's benefits and procedures, leading to low participation.
The use of advanced technologies like drones and GIS can be challenging due to accessibility, accuracy, and security.
Legal recognition of the property cards may face resistance from certain institutions or authorities.
There could be unintended consequences such as land conflicts, encroachment, or the undermining of the rights of indigenous communities.
Regular training and awareness campaigns for stakeholders at different levels will improve implementation.
Adoption of quality control measures, audits, and standard operating procedures can improve the accuracy of the collected data.
Mass media campaigns, community mobilization, and digital literacy programs can increase awareness and participation.
Including more types of properties in the survey and issuing property cards for them will broaden the scheme's impact.
Linking SVAMITVA with other development programs will reinforce its benefits for rural households.
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