The 2025 UN World Water Development Report shows that retreating glaciers pose a threat.
This could endanger the food & water supplies of 2 billion people worldwide.
The report was launched on World Water Day March 22, 2025.
This report shows that there are accelerating effects of climate change on mountain glaciers. And what are their crucial role in providing freshwater resources.
About the United Nations World Water Development Report (WWDR):
WWDR is a flagship report by UN Water. It is focusing on water & sanitation issues
It provides a comprehensive assessment of the state, usage & management of the world freshwater resources.
The report focuses on different themes each year.
It also provides policy recommendations to decision makers. It is backed by best practices & in depth analyses.
What are the Key Highlights of WWDR 2025 ?
Mountains and Glaciers Water Towers
Global Warming in Mountain Ranges: The report confirms that all mountain ranges have shown evidence of warming since the early 20th century.
Changing Precipitation: As global temperatures rise more mountain precipitation is now falling as rain instead of snow. It is causing snowpacks to thin & melt earlier each year.
Impact of Melting Glaciers
Severe Consequences: The report warns that the receding snow & ice in mountain regions will have severe consequences for both people & nature.
River Flow Changes: Accelerated melting of snowpacks initially increases river flow in glacier fed basins. But once the snow melts beyond a certain threshold then river flow will decline in the long term.
Peak Water: The report also highlights that many regions including the tropical Andes, western Canada, & the Swiss Alps have already passed the peak water Here glacier fed rivers have begun to experience declining water flow.
Glacial Loss and Projections
Many glaciers have disappeared entirely. Colombia has lost 90% of its glacial area since the mid 19th century.
Projections suggest that if global temperatures rise by 5-4°C then glaciers could lose 26-41% of their 2015 mass by 2100.
Impacts of Glacier Retreat
Water Scarcity: As glaciers retreat the report predicts a reduction in freshwater for drinking & agriculture.
Stress on Ecosystems: Local ecosystems dependent on glacier fed water systems will face stress. It is threatening biodiversity.
Increased Risk of GLOFs: The report warns of the growing risk of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). These are sudden floods caused by the failure of natural dams holding glacial lakes.
Global Water Supply Threat
The retreat of glaciers threatens the food & water supply for 2 billion people around the world.
2/3rd of irrigated agriculture globally is expected to be affected by melting glaciers & reduced snowfall in mountain areas caused by climate change.
The 2025 WWDR shows the urgent need for climate action to address the risks associated with glacier retreat & its impacts on freshwater resources.
As glaciers shrink their role as water towers supplying fresh water to millions of people is diminished. It is putting vast populations & ecosystems at risk.