The Uttarakhand government has launched the Winter Char Dham circuit to promote off-season tourism. The Char Dham, comprising Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath, and Badrinath, attracts pilgrims year-round. Winter tourism aims to boost the economy while addressing concerns of overcrowding, wildlife disturbance, and environmental degradation through sustainable management practices.
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The Uttarakhand government inaugurated the winter Char Dham circuit, aimed at drawing tourists to the state in the off-season winter months.
Char Dham is located in the Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand and includes Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath, and Badrinath. These shrines attract thousands of pilgrims every year from May to November, contributing significantly to the economy of the state.
Heavy snowfall in winter makes the sanctuaries inaccessible, leading to their seasonal closure. The deities are moved to lower winter seats:
It is a highway widening project to extend 889 km of uphill roads to provide all-weather connectivity on the Char Dham circuit. Planned in 2016, the project covers four major shrines of Uttarakhand – Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri, and Yamunotri – in the upper Himalayas.
Winter Char Dham attracts off-season pilgrims to boost tourism. As of 30 December, 15,314 pilgrims had visited the winter shrines, with the Omkareshwar temple (6,482) reaching the highest number, followed by Pandukeshwar (5,104), Mukhba (3,114) and Kharsali (614).
As per National Green Tribunal recommendations, the state government needs to ascertain the carrying capacity of Char Dham to ensure the delicate balance of infrastructure construction and environmental consideration.
PRACTICE QUESTION Q.Discuss the significance of the Char Dham All Weather Highway Development Project for India's infrastructure and socio-economic development. In your opinion, what are the key challenges associated with its implementation and how can they be addressed? (250 words) |
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