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Context: Crimes against women in the Capital increased by over 21% in 2021
- Delhi Police revealed that Crimes against women in the Capital increased by more than 21% in 2021 as compared with the previous year.
- In rape cases; 99% of the accused arrested were first time offenders, 46% of the cases involved family members or friends, while 11% involved a neighbour.
- On an average 5 rape cases were registered per day in the Capital in 2021.
- In 2021, Cases of molestation rose by 17.5%, as compared to 2020.
Challenges in addressing women Safety:
- Lack of Reporting
- Slow Criminal Justice System
- Inadequate Implementation of law
- Poor Gender Sensitization of law enforcing agencies like Police, Judiciary etc
- Various Social factors like level of education/illiteracy, Poverty, Social Customs and values, religious beliefs, mindset of the Society
- Exclusion by Technology
- Lack of infrastructure Such as Safe Spaces for women, Safe transport Systems, Proper toilets make it a dangerous Place for women and girls.
- Hostile Environment of investigation to victims of Sexual violence.
- Social Conceptions of Shame and victim-blaming
- Much of Sexual violence happens within marriage, and marital rape is not a Crime.
Steps taken by the Government:
- Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, to address the declining Child Sex Ratio.
- Scheme for Adolescent Girls aims at girls in the age group 11-18, to empower and improve their social status through nutrition, life skills, home skills and vocational training
- Pradhan Mantri Mahila Shakti Kendra scheme, to promote community participation through the involvement of Student Volunteers for the empowerment of rural women
- Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) to provide micro-credit to poor women for various livelihood support and income-generating activities at concessional terms
- Swadhar Greh to provide relief and rehabilitation to destitute women and women in distress.
- Ujjawala, a Comprehensive Scheme for the prevention of trafficking and for rescue, rehabilitation, reintegration and repatriation of victims of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation.
- Working Women Hostels for ensuring safe accommodation for women working away from their place of residence.
- One-Stop Center and Women Helpline are being implemented to facilitate access to an integrated range of services including medical aid, police assistance, legal aid/ case management, psychosocial counseling and temporary support services to women affected by violence.
- Panic Button on Mobile Phones, Emergency Response Support System Set up under Nirbhaya Fund.
- Inclusion of Acid Attack as disability
- Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, Penalizes Giving & taking.
- SABLA Scheme, Providing life Skills and Supplementary nutrition to out of School girls - Working Women Hostel.
- Sexual Harassment electronic-Box (SHe-Box)
- National database on Sexual offenders, include name, address, Photograph and fingerprint details of those Convicted in Sexual assault Cases
Steps to ensure women Safety:
- Strengthening Criminal Justice machinery
- Strict implementation and monitoring of the laws and Schemes and Strengthened enforcement.
- Strengthening of Alternate Dispute resolution mechanism like Lok Adalat.
- Provide Self-defense Training
- Gender Sensitization of the law enforcement agencies, especially Police and Judiciary.
- Adopting zero tolerance Policy, Moral education through awareness and education.
- Promoting Social and economic empowerment of women through Policies and Programmes.
- Economic empowerment of women through Property rights, Create awareness about their Rights.
- Ensuring gender friendly Public Spaces
- Equal access to Nutrition, Health, and education
- Adopt a life Cycle approach to empowerment of girls and women.
- Gender equality and violence Prevention Programmes can be introduced in Schools and Colleges.
- Strictly regulate the Sale and distribution of acid.
- Marital rape Should be made an offence irrespective of the age of the wife
- Khap decisions, and all those involved in them, that lead to honor killings or violent Crimes must be Criminally Punished.
- Increase the representation of women in the Judiciary, both at higher and lower levels.
- All Police Stations must have a women and Child Protection des
- Number of women in Police Should be increased
- Installation of CCTV, Mapping of dark Spots & Crime-prone areas