Last Updated on 29th August, 2023
11 minutes, 48 seconds


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Picture Courtesy: latestly.com


Context: The Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) has been provisionally suspended by the United World Wrestling (UWW) for not holding its elections on time. The WFI was supposed to elect its office-bearers by April 2023, but it did not do so.


  • The WFI is the apex body for wrestling in India and it organizes all national and international wrestling events in India. The suspension means that Indian wrestlers cannot represent India at any global wrestling events until the WFI is restored.
  • The suspension of the WFI is also a huge embarrassment for the Indian government. The government is the main stakeholder in the WFI and it has been criticized for not taking action to ensure that the WFI held its elections on time.

Main reasons why the UWW suspended the WFI:

  • The WFI did not hold its elections on time.
  • The WFI is facing several charges of corruption and mismanagement.
  • The WFI has not been able to present a clear plan for the growth of wrestling in India.

A series of events resulted in the suspension

  • Allegations and Protests: Prominent wrestlers, including Olympic medalists and World championship medalists, brought serious allegations of sexual harassment, intimidation, financial irregularities, and administrative lapses against the then WFI president. This led to protests and demands for action against the accused.
  • Oversight Committee and Enquiry: In response to the allegations and protests, the Union Sports Ministry established an Oversight Committee (OC) led by M.C. Mary Kom to investigate the allegations. Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh was asked to step aside until the enquiry was completed.
  • Election Schedule Changes: After the enquiry, the WFI initially announced that elections, which were originally due in February, would be held on May 7. However, further demands from protesting wrestlers, including the arrest of the former WFI president and stopping his family members from contesting elections, led to further delays and uncertainty.
  • Intervention by Sports Authorities: The Ministry of Sports intervened to ensure proper conduct of the elections. The Ministry asked the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) to form an ad-hoc committee to oversee the election process within a specified timeframe.
  • Legal Challenges: The election process was further delayed due to legal challenges from various state associations. Court stays, first by the Gauhati High Court and later by the Punjab and Haryana High Court, hindered the election process.
  • UWW's Warning and Suspension: As the delays continued, the UWW warned about the possible suspension of the WFI. Given the absence of an elected president and a board, and the ongoing issues within the federation, the UWW Disciplinary Chamber ultimately found sufficient grounds to provisionally suspend the WFI.

The combination of allegations, protests, legal challenges, and the need for proper governance and elections led to a series of delays in conducting the WFI elections. The UWW's decision to suspend the WFI was influenced by the failure to meet UWW regulations and conditions for membership, as well as the need to ensure athlete protection and restore the proper functioning of the federation.

Impact of the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) suspension

  • Loss of National Identity: Indian wrestlers are unable to compete under the national flag in UWW-sanctioned events. This means they won't be representing India officially, and the absence of the Indian flag during medal ceremonies undermines the sense of national pride and identity associated with international sports competitions.
  • Lack of National Anthem: If an Indian wrestler manages to win a gold medal in UWW events, the national anthem of India will not be played during the medal ceremony. This removes a significant moment of celebration and recognition for the athlete and the country.
  • Limited International Exposure: Competing under the UWW flag rather than the Indian flag can impact the visibility and exposure of Indian wrestlers. The opportunity to showcase their skills and achievements on an international stage with their national identity is a crucial part of their development as athletes.
  • Diminished Motivation: The absence of the national flag and anthem can affect the motivation and morale of Indian wrestlers. The emotional connection to representing one's country and the associated rewards are important factors in an athlete's dedication and performance.
  • Reduced Public Interest: The suspension can potentially lead to reduced public interest and support for wrestling in India. The absence of Indian wrestlers competing under the national flag might result in lower engagement from fans and sponsors.
  • Impact on Future Prospects: Young aspiring wrestlers may find the current situation discouraging. The inability to see their role models competing for India at international events might impact the growth of wrestling as a sport in the country.
  • Long-Term Reputation: The suspension could harm the reputation of Indian wrestling on the global stage. Other wrestling nations may perceive India as unable to manage its sports governance effectively, which could affect partnerships, collaborations, and participation in international events.
  • Loss of Prestige: Winning medals and competing at international events is a matter of prestige for both athletes and the nation. Without the official recognition that comes with representing India, the prestige associated with wrestling achievements may be diminished.
  • Uncertainty for Coaches and Support Personnel: Coaches, sports physicians, and other support personnel working with Indian wrestlers may also face uncertainty. Their roles and opportunities might be affected due to the limited representation of Indian wrestlers under the UWW flag.

Overall, the impact of the suspension reaches beyond the immediate competition and can have lasting effects on the growth, morale, and reputation of Indian wrestling. It highlights the urgency for the WFI and the Indian government to resolve the issues leading to the suspension and reinstate Indian wrestling on the global stage.

Way forward

  • Conduct Free and Fair Elections: Ensure that the election process is transparent, impartial, and follows democratic principles. Establish an independent election committee to oversee the process and resolve disputes. Provide clear guidelines for candidate eligibility and campaigning.
  • Reconciliation and Unity: Initiate open dialogues between different factions to address grievances and find common ground. Encourage compromise and shared understanding for the greater good of the sport. Consider involving a neutral mediator if necessary.
  • Athlete-Centric Approach: Establish an athletes' committee to represent their interests and concerns. Seek athlete input on decisions related to competition rules, selection criteria, and other relevant matters. Reinstate athletes who were affected by the disputes, ensuring their right to participate under the national flag.
  • Implement Governance Reforms: Conduct a comprehensive review of the federation's constitution and policies. Address any instances of corruption, fraud, or misuse of power with a thorough investigation. Develop a code of ethics and conduct for federation members.
  • International Engagement: Regularly communicate progress and reforms to the international governing body (UWW). Provide evidence of compliance with UWW regulations and standards. Demonstrate a commitment to upholding the values of the international wrestling community.
  • Athlete Protection: Establish clear protocols for reporting and addressing allegations of harassment or misconduct. Train officials, coaches, and staff on recognizing and preventing harassment. Collaborate with relevant organizations to ensure athlete well-being.
  • Support from Government and Sports Authorities: Seek legal and logistical assistance from relevant government agencies and sports bodies. Collaborate with these entities to secure funding for development initiatives. Foster a cooperative relationship to ensure the sport's growth.
  • Public Awareness and Support: Utilize social media, traditional media, and public events to communicate the importance of a strong wrestling federation. Engage with fans, sponsors, and stakeholders to generate enthusiasm and advocacy for positive change.
  • Long-Term Development Plan: Create a comprehensive roadmap for the sport's growth at all levels. Prioritize grassroots initiatives, coaching development, and infrastructure improvement. Establish partnerships with international wrestling organizations for knowledge exchange and collaboration.
  • Professional Management: Consider hiring professionals with expertise in sports management to oversee day-to-day operations. Ensure decisions are based on the best interests of the sport rather than political considerations. Implement efficient administrative practices to streamline operations.

The ultimate goal should be to reinstate the WFI as a well-functioning and respected governing body for Indian wrestling. By addressing internal disputes, implementing reforms, and focusing on the welfare of athletes, Indian wrestling can regain its international recognition and reputation.

Must Read Articles:

INTERNAL COMPLAINTS COMMITTEE: https://www.iasgyan.in/daily-current-affairs/internal-complaints-committee


Q. What is the pressing need for reforming sports administration in India, and what is the significance of these reforms? What are the key challenges hindering sports administration reforms in the country, and what strategies can be employed to move forward effectively in this endeavour?


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