6th December, 2024










Ayurveda (Science of Life)

Aitareya Brahmana, Kaushitaki Brahmana

Aitareya Upanishad, Kaushitaki Upanishad

Aitareya Aranyaka, Kaushitaki Aranyaka

Gayatri Mantra

Hotri (Chief Priest)

Oldest Veda, composed in hymns and praises (Suktas) to deities, contains 10 Mandalas, 1028 hymns, focuses on cosmology, deities, and natural forces.


Gandharvaveda (Music and Arts)

Taittiriya Brahmana, Tandya Brahmana

Chandogya Upanishad, Kena Upanishad

Jaiminiya Aranyaka, Chandogya Aranyaka

Sama Mantra

Udgatri (Chanter Priest)

Collection of melodies (Saman) set to Rigvedic hymns, used in rituals, contains 1,875 verses, many of which are derived from the Rigveda, central to Yajnas.


Dhanurveda (Science of Warfare)

Shatapatha Brahmana, Taittiriya Brahmana

Isha Upanishad, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Brihadaranyaka Aranyaka

Yajus Mantra

Adhvaryu (Ritual Priest)

Focuses on prose mantras and rituals, divided into Shukla (White) and Krishna (Black) Yajurveda, essential for sacrificial rituals (Yajnas).


Arthashastra (Science of Economics and Statecraft)

Gopatha Brahmana

Mundaka Upanishad, Mandukya Upanishad


Atharva Mantra

Brahman (Priest)

Deals with rituals, spells, and healing; contains hymns, spells, and charms for practical daily life; associated with both spiritual and material aspects.

 Additional Information:

  • Rigveda:
      • Structure: Composed in hymns (Suktas) addressing various deities like Agni, Indra, Varuna, and others.
      • Mantra: The famous Gayatri Mantra is part of this Veda, often used in daily prayers.
      • Priest: The Hotri is responsible for reciting the hymns during rituals.
      • Features: Focuses on cosmology, hymns of praise, and is considered the oldest and most important of the four Vedas.
  • Samaveda:
      • Structure: Contains melodies (Saman) that are to be sung by Udgatri during rituals.
      • Mantra: Sama Mantras are melodic and are adaptations of Rigvedic hymns.
      • Priest: The Udgatri sings these hymns during rituals, especially in Soma sacrifices.
      • Features: Central to rituals, it emphasizes the musical aspect of the Vedic chants.
  • Yajurveda:
      • Structure: Contains prose mantras used in the performance of rituals.
      • Mantra: Yajus Mantras are employed during sacrificial ceremonies.
      • Priest: The Adhvaryu performs the physical aspects of rituals, such as the preparation of the sacrificial ground.
      • Features: Divided into the Shukla (White) and Krishna (Black) Yajurveda, it serves as a guide for conducting Yajnas (sacrifices).
  • Atharvaveda:
      • Structure: Contains hymns, spells and incantations for various purposes including healing and protection.
      • Mantra: Atharva Mantras are practical and are used in daily life for well-being and protection.
      • Priest: The Brahman priest oversees the entire ritual ensuring its correctness.
      • Features: Different from the other three Vedas, it focuses on both spiritual and worldly aspects, including medicine and statecraft.
  •  Upavedas:
      • Ayurveda(Rigveda): Focuses on medicine and health sciences.
      • Gandharvaveda(Samaveda): Deals with music, dance, and the arts.
      • Dhanurveda(Yajurveda): Concerns archery and the military sciences.
      • Arthashastra(Atharvaveda): Relates to economics, politics, and governance.

Brahmanas: These texts explain the significance of the rituals and the symbolism behind them. They are prose explanations that elaborate on the hymns of the Vedas.

Upanishads: Philosophical texts that explore the concepts of the ultimate reality (Brahman) and the individual soul (Atman). They are considered the concluding part of the Vedas, hence known as Vedanta.

Aranyakas: Texts that serve as a bridge between the ritualistic Brahmanas and the philosophical Upanishads. They are meant for those who have retired to the forest for meditation and contemplation.

Priests: Each Veda is associated with a specific type of priest who is responsible for reciting or performing the rituals.