IAS Gyan

Daily News Analysis


27th July, 2023 Polity

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Context: The National Dental Commission Bill, 2023 was introduced in the Lok Sabha by the government.


National Dental Commission Bill 2023

  • The National Dental Commission Bill 2023 aims to establish a National Dental Commission (NDC) that will replace the Dentists Act 1948 and regulate dental education and practice in the country.
  • It seeks to make dental education more affordable and accessible and to ensure quality oral healthcare for all.
  • The structure of the dental commission will be similar to that of the National Medical Commission, which replaced the Medical Council of India.

National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Bill 2023

  • The National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Bill, 2023 was also introduced in the Lok Sabha by the government. It intends to set up a National Nursing and Midwifery Commission (NNMC) that will repeal the Indian Nursing Council Act 1947.
  • The Bill aims to regulate and maintain standards of education and services by nursing and midwifery professionals assess institutions, and maintain a national register as well as state registers.

Must Read Articles:

NATIONAL MEDICAL COMMISSION BILL 2022: https://www.iasgyan.in/daily-current-affairs/national-medical-commission-bill-2022
